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6 calls to advagg_file_create_url() in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

advagg_add_preload_link in ./advagg.module
Add preload link to the top of the html head.
advagg_generate_location_uri in ./
Given the filename, type, and settings, create absolute URL for 307 redirect.
advagg_pre_render_scripts in ./advagg.module
Callback for pre_render to add elements needed for JavaScript to be rendered.
advagg_pre_render_styles in ./advagg.module
A #pre_render callback to add elements needed for CSS tags to be rendered.
advagg_relocate_advagg_relocate_process_http_request_alter in advagg_relocate/
Implements hook_advagg_relocate_process_http_request_alter().
_advagg_build_css_path in ./
Prefixes all paths within a CSS file for drupal_build_css_cache().