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7 calls to adsense_ad_formats() in Google AdSense integration 6

adsense_display in ./adsense.module
Generates the Google AdSense Ad.
adsense_help_text in help/
Creates the help text for the settings tab.
adsense_managed_block in managed/adsense_managed.module
Implementation of hook_block().
adsense_oldcode_block in old/oldcode/adsense_oldcode.module
Implementation of hook_block().
theme_adsense_ad in ./adsense.module
Default AdSense ad unit theming.
_adsense_managed_get_ad in managed/adsense_managed.module
Generates the AdSense ad.
_adsense_oldcode_get_ad in old/oldcode/adsense_oldcode.module
Generates the AdSense ad.