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Functions in Administration menu 8.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
admin_menu_translated_menu_link_alter ./admin_menu.module Implements hook_translated_menu_link_alter(). 1
admin_menu_tree ./ Build the full administration menu tree from static and expanded dynamic items. 1
admin_menu_tree_dynamic ./ Load menu link trees for router paths containing dynamic arguments. 1
admin_menu_uninstall ./admin_menu.install Implements hook_uninstall().
admin_menu_update_7300 ./admin_menu.install Add {cache_admin_menu} table.
admin_menu_update_7303 ./admin_menu.install Remove local tasks from {menu_links} table.
field_ui_admin_menu_map ./ Implements hook_admin_menu_map() on behalf of Field UI module.
hook_admin_menu_cache_info ./admin_menu.api.php Inform about additional module-specific caches that can be cleared.
hook_admin_menu_map ./admin_menu.api.php Provide expansion arguments for dynamic menu items.
hook_admin_menu_output_alter ./admin_menu.api.php Change the administration menu content before it is rendered.
hook_admin_menu_output_build ./admin_menu.api.php Add to the administration menu content before it is rendered.
hook_admin_menu_replacements ./admin_menu.api.php Return content to be replace via JS in the cached menu output.
node_admin_menu_map ./ Implements hook_admin_menu_map() on behalf of Node module.
simpletest_admin_menu_cache_info admin_devel/admin_devel.module Implements hook_admin_menu_cache_info() on behalf of Simpletest module.
system_admin_menu_cache_info ./ Implements hook_admin_menu_cache_info() on behalf of System module.
template_preprocess_admin_menu_icon ./ Preprocesses variables for theme_admin_menu_icon().
theme_admin_menu_icon ./ Renders an icon to display in the administration menu.
theme_admin_menu_links ./admin_menu.module Render a themed list of links.
update_admin_menu_cache_info ./ Implements hook_admin_menu_cache_info() on behalf of Update module.
_admin_devel_simpletest_cache_clear admin_devel/admin_devel.module 1
_admin_menu_flush_cache ./ Flush all caches or a specific one. 2
_admin_menu_form_devel_admin_settings_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). 1


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