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CHANGELOG.txt in Administration menu 5.2

Admin Menu x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx

Admin Menu 5.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx
#362454 by sun: Fixed Drupal.settings.admin_menu is undefined error.
#479922 by sun: Fixed fieldsets not collapsed on admin/build/modules/list*.
#349169 by sun: Fixed Devel switch user links contain multiple path prefixes.
#365335 by sun: Fixed not all variables removed after uninstall.

Admin Menu 5.x-2.8, 2009-01-24
#362454 by sun: Fixed Drupal.settings.admin_menu is undefined JS error in some

Admin Menu 5.x-2.7, 2009-01-20
#358697 by sun: Added docs about admin_menu_suppress() to README.txt.
#342684 by darumaki, sun: Added notice about Opera configuration to README.txt.
#346106 by sun: Fixed XHTML-Strict validation for admin menu icon.
#322877 by sun: Added tweak to move page tabs into administration menu.
#310423 by sun: Added optional position: fixed configuration setting.
#325057 by sun: Updated README.txt.
#324334 by AltaVida: Fixed usernames with spaces not in Devel user switch links.
#319382 by betz: Added Dutch translation.
#301370 by sun: Disabled module fieldset collapsing behavior by default.
#288672 by sun: Fixed JS hover behavior not working in IE.
#285582 by sun: Fixed fatal PHP error when Panels 2-alpha is installed.
#290803 by sun: Fixed missing devel_themer in devel modules; added some others.
#286636 by sun: Fixed menus do not drop down in IE6.
#249537 by pwolanin, sun: Added admin_menu_suppress() to allow other modules to
  disable the display of admin_menu on certain pages (f.e. popups).

Admin Menu 5.x-2.6, 2008-07-16
#268211 by sun: Fixed invalid issue queue links for custom modules and
  sub-modules of projects.
#261461 by sun: Added FAQ entry for displaying other menus like admin_menu.
#264067 by sun: Added FAQ entry for huge amount of anonymous users displayed.
#226502 by sun: Added FAQ entry for Content management -> Create content items.
#279287 by sun: Usability: Added JavaScript to turn menus on admin/build/menu
  into fieldsets with default collapse.js behavior attached.
#279287 by sun: Changed default setting to not collapse menus on
#242377 by sun: Fixed sub-level menu items exceed total document height.
#266308 by sun: Fixed jQuery 1.0.x incompatible selector for collapsing modules.
#268373 by sun: Backported code clean-up from 6.x.

Admin Menu 5.x-2.5, 2008-06-08
by smk-ka: Performance: Use 'defer' attribute for JavaScript to delay execution.
#266099 by sun: Fixed description of "Apply margin-top" configuration setting.
#266308 by sun: Usability: Added Utility module features to collapse module
  fieldsets on Modules page and menus on Menus page.
#240862 by sun: Usability: Fixed target page for edit content-type links.
#265049 by zietbukuel: Added Spanish translation.
#240862 by smk-ka: Fixed stale menu after adding/deleting content-types, Views,
  and Panels.
by sun: Added menu callback to disable/enable developer modules.
#240862 by smk-ka, sun: Added edit links for content-types, Views, and Panels.
#251341 by sun: Added docs about display drupal links permission.
#246221 by sun: Fixed user counter displays different values than Who's online
#239022 by mikl: Added Danish translation.
#234444 by smk-ka: Fixed admin_menu icon does not respect theme settings.
#198240 by sun: Fixed admin_menu displayed in print output.

Admin Menu 5.x-2.4, 2008-02-24
#214740 by sun: Regression: Fixed directly applied marginTop not supported by IE.
#214725 by sun: Fixed wrong CSS id in admin_menu.js (missed in 5.x-2.3).

Admin Menu 5.x-2.3, 2008-02-24
#214725 by sun: Fixed CSS id and classes should not contain underscores.
#209390 by sun: Added note about interaction with user role permissions.
#214740 by jjeff, sun: Added module settings to configure margin-top CSS.
#200737 by sun: Changed admin_menu (fav)icon to use theme setting, if defined.
#203116 by smk-ka: Improved performance of non-cached admin_menu by storing
  already processed URLs in the cache.
#224605 by sun: 'Add <content_type>' items do not appear without 'administer
  nodes' permission.
#210615 by robertgarrigos: Fixed Mozilla Mac: Collapsible fieldsets display

Admin Menu 5.x-2.2, 2007-01-08
#204884 by jjeff: Usability: Override theme font family declaration.
#204935 by jjeff: Added mouseout delay for hovered menus (yay!).
#193941 by downgang: Fixed margin in IE6 using Garland theme.
#197306 by sun: Fixed 'Run updates' leads to wrong url with clean URLs disabled.
Moved images into sub-folder.
by smk-ka: Fixed icon title for user counter not displayed & coding style.
Fixed user count not displayed without 'administer users' permission.

Admin Menu 5.x-2.1, 2007-12-02
Fixed adding menu items with negative weight not always working.
Fixed admin_menu_copy_items() is overwriting already existing items.
Fixed display menu item ids in devel settings does not work.

Admin Menu 5.x-2.0, 2007-12-02
Added devel_admin_menu() for fast access to clear-cache, variable editor and
Added username to logout button.
Added hook_admin_menu() to allow other modules to alter admin_menu.
#194189 by sun: Added counter for current anonymous/authenticated users.
Added project issue queue links for all enabled contrib modules.
#189701 by sun: Changed admin_menu icon to be a menu.
#193925 by sun: Removed obsolete menu slicing code.
#193669 by smk-ka: Moved admin_menu builder functions into include file.

Admin Menu 5.x-1.2, 2007-11-18
#176969 by smk-ka: Fixed performance issues with path(auto) module by
  introducing a menu cache for admin_menu.
#179648 by sun: Inject admin_menu into theme.
  Fixes several CSS bugs in various themes and also activation of admin_menu
  immediately after installation.
#191213 by Standard: Fixed block info shouldn't contain the word "block".
#187816 by sun: Fixed "Add" not translatable.
#186218 by sun: Fixed admin menu icon too big in Safari.
#182563 by sun: Fixed wrong datatype for array_search in _admin_menu_get_children().
#183496 by sun: Fixed invalid argument supplied for foreach in admin_menu_copy_items().

Admin Menu 5.x-1.1, 2007-10-10
#178876 by sun: Fixed 3rd-level submenus expand without hover over.
#153455 by sun: Fixed add product node sub-elements are empty.
Fixed path_to_theme() call breaking blocks page.
#177582 by sun: Fixed bluebreeze theme compatibility.

Admin Menu 5.x-1.0, 2007-09-06
#156952 by sun: Fixed admin menu inaccessible due to margins.
#149229 by sun: Fixed admin menu not expanding in IE7.
#172545 by sun: Use opacity instead of -moz-opacity.
#132867 Fixed z-index too low.
- Fixed admin menu block selectors to override any other theme styles.
#155589 by sun: Added permission to access administration menu.
- Fixed a PHP warning when there are no content types defined in the system, as
  node/add then has no child menu items.
#155312 by sun: Fixed menu item tooltip clashes.
Added support for custom stylesheets per theme.
Removed 4.7.x compatibility.

Admin Menu 4.7-1.3, 2007-03-30
#126601 Fixed Users can see inaccessible items.
#121027 Fixed Page not found entries for menu-collapsed.png.

Admin Menu 4.7-1.2, 2007-03-04
- Fixed menu item adjustments
- Fixed IE / Safari support
- Fixed base_path for IE support
- Added create content options to content management menu

Admin Menu 4.7-1.1, 2007-01-24
First stable release, compatible to Drupal 4.7.x and 5.x.

Admin Menu 4.7-1.0, 2007-01-16
Initial release of admin_menu module. Already supporting Drupal 5.0.


View source
  1. Admin Menu x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. ------------------------------
  3. Admin Menu 5.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  4. ------------------------------
  5. #362454 by sun: Fixed Drupal.settings.admin_menu is undefined error.
  6. #479922 by sun: Fixed fieldsets not collapsed on admin/build/modules/list*.
  7. #349169 by sun: Fixed Devel switch user links contain multiple path prefixes.
  8. #365335 by sun: Fixed not all variables removed after uninstall.
  9. Admin Menu 5.x-2.8, 2009-01-24
  10. ------------------------------
  11. #362454 by sun: Fixed Drupal.settings.admin_menu is undefined JS error in some
  12. browsers.
  13. Admin Menu 5.x-2.7, 2009-01-20
  14. ------------------------------
  15. #358697 by sun: Added docs about admin_menu_suppress() to README.txt.
  16. #342684 by darumaki, sun: Added notice about Opera configuration to README.txt.
  17. #346106 by sun: Fixed XHTML-Strict validation for admin menu icon.
  18. #322877 by sun: Added tweak to move page tabs into administration menu.
  19. #310423 by sun: Added optional position: fixed configuration setting.
  20. #325057 by sun: Updated README.txt.
  21. #324334 by AltaVida: Fixed usernames with spaces not in Devel user switch links.
  22. #319382 by betz: Added Dutch translation.
  23. #301370 by sun: Disabled module fieldset collapsing behavior by default.
  24. #288672 by sun: Fixed JS hover behavior not working in IE.
  25. #285582 by sun: Fixed fatal PHP error when Panels 2-alpha is installed.
  26. #290803 by sun: Fixed missing devel_themer in devel modules; added some others.
  27. #286636 by sun: Fixed menus do not drop down in IE6.
  28. #249537 by pwolanin, sun: Added admin_menu_suppress() to allow other modules to
  29. disable the display of admin_menu on certain pages (f.e. popups).
  30. Admin Menu 5.x-2.6, 2008-07-16
  31. ------------------------------
  32. #268211 by sun: Fixed invalid issue queue links for custom modules and
  33. sub-modules of projects.
  34. #261461 by sun: Added FAQ entry for displaying other menus like admin_menu.
  35. #264067 by sun: Added FAQ entry for huge amount of anonymous users displayed.
  36. #226502 by sun: Added FAQ entry for Content management -> Create content items.
  37. #279287 by sun: Usability: Added JavaScript to turn menus on admin/build/menu
  38. into fieldsets with default collapse.js behavior attached.
  39. #279287 by sun: Changed default setting to not collapse menus on
  40. admin/build/menu.
  41. #242377 by sun: Fixed sub-level menu items exceed total document height.
  42. #266308 by sun: Fixed jQuery 1.0.x incompatible selector for collapsing modules.
  43. #268373 by sun: Backported code clean-up from 6.x.
  44. Admin Menu 5.x-2.5, 2008-06-08
  45. ------------------------------
  46. by smk-ka: Performance: Use 'defer' attribute for JavaScript to delay execution.
  47. #266099 by sun: Fixed description of "Apply margin-top" configuration setting.
  48. #266308 by sun: Usability: Added Utility module features to collapse module
  49. fieldsets on Modules page and menus on Menus page.
  50. #240862 by sun: Usability: Fixed target page for edit content-type links.
  51. #265049 by zietbukuel: Added Spanish translation.
  52. #240862 by smk-ka: Fixed stale menu after adding/deleting content-types, Views,
  53. and Panels.
  54. by sun: Added menu callback to disable/enable developer modules.
  55. #240862 by smk-ka, sun: Added edit links for content-types, Views, and Panels.
  56. #251341 by sun: Added docs about display drupal links permission.
  57. #246221 by sun: Fixed user counter displays different values than Who's online
  58. block.
  59. #239022 by mikl: Added Danish translation.
  60. #234444 by smk-ka: Fixed admin_menu icon does not respect theme settings.
  61. #198240 by sun: Fixed admin_menu displayed in print output.
  62. Admin Menu 5.x-2.4, 2008-02-24
  63. ------------------------------
  64. #214740 by sun: Regression: Fixed directly applied marginTop not supported by IE.
  65. #214725 by sun: Fixed wrong CSS id in admin_menu.js (missed in 5.x-2.3).
  66. Admin Menu 5.x-2.3, 2008-02-24
  67. ------------------------------
  68. #214725 by sun: Fixed CSS id and classes should not contain underscores.
  69. #209390 by sun: Added note about interaction with user role permissions.
  70. #214740 by jjeff, sun: Added module settings to configure margin-top CSS.
  71. #200737 by sun: Changed admin_menu (fav)icon to use theme setting, if defined.
  72. #203116 by smk-ka: Improved performance of non-cached admin_menu by storing
  73. already processed URLs in the cache.
  74. #224605 by sun: 'Add ' items do not appear without 'administer
  75. nodes' permission.
  76. #210615 by robertgarrigos: Fixed Mozilla Mac: Collapsible fieldsets display
  77. error.
  78. Admin Menu 5.x-2.2, 2007-01-08
  79. ------------------------------
  80. #204884 by jjeff: Usability: Override theme font family declaration.
  81. #204935 by jjeff: Added mouseout delay for hovered menus (yay!).
  82. #193941 by downgang: Fixed margin in IE6 using Garland theme.
  83. #197306 by sun: Fixed 'Run updates' leads to wrong url with clean URLs disabled.
  84. Moved images into sub-folder.
  85. by smk-ka: Fixed icon title for user counter not displayed & coding style.
  86. Fixed user count not displayed without 'administer users' permission.
  87. Admin Menu 5.x-2.1, 2007-12-02
  88. ------------------------------
  89. Fixed adding menu items with negative weight not always working.
  90. Fixed admin_menu_copy_items() is overwriting already existing items.
  91. Fixed display menu item ids in devel settings does not work.
  92. Admin Menu 5.x-2.0, 2007-12-02
  93. ------------------------------
  94. Added devel_admin_menu() for fast access to clear-cache, variable editor and
  95. switch_user.
  96. Added username to logout button.
  97. Added hook_admin_menu() to allow other modules to alter admin_menu.
  98. #194189 by sun: Added counter for current anonymous/authenticated users.
  99. Added project issue queue links for all enabled contrib modules.
  100. #189701 by sun: Changed admin_menu icon to be a menu.
  101. #193925 by sun: Removed obsolete menu slicing code.
  102. #193669 by smk-ka: Moved admin_menu builder functions into include file.
  103. Admin Menu 5.x-1.2, 2007-11-18
  104. ------------------------------
  105. #176969 by smk-ka: Fixed performance issues with path(auto) module by
  106. introducing a menu cache for admin_menu.
  107. #179648 by sun: Inject admin_menu into theme.
  108. Fixes several CSS bugs in various themes and also activation of admin_menu
  109. immediately after installation.
  110. #191213 by Standard: Fixed block info shouldn't contain the word "block".
  111. #187816 by sun: Fixed "Add" not translatable.
  112. #186218 by sun: Fixed admin menu icon too big in Safari.
  113. #182563 by sun: Fixed wrong datatype for array_search in _admin_menu_get_children().
  114. #183496 by sun: Fixed invalid argument supplied for foreach in admin_menu_copy_items().
  115. Admin Menu 5.x-1.1, 2007-10-10
  116. ------------------------------
  117. #178876 by sun: Fixed 3rd-level submenus expand without hover over.
  118. #153455 by sun: Fixed add product node sub-elements are empty.
  119. Fixed path_to_theme() call breaking blocks page.
  120. #177582 by sun: Fixed bluebreeze theme compatibility.
  121. Admin Menu 5.x-1.0, 2007-09-06
  122. ------------------------------
  123. #156952 by sun: Fixed admin menu inaccessible due to margins.
  124. #149229 by sun: Fixed admin menu not expanding in IE7.
  125. #172545 by sun: Use opacity instead of -moz-opacity.
  126. #132867 Fixed z-index too low.
  127. - Fixed admin menu block selectors to override any other theme styles.
  128. #155589 by sun: Added permission to access administration menu.
  129. - Fixed a PHP warning when there are no content types defined in the system, as
  130. node/add then has no child menu items.
  131. #155312 by sun: Fixed menu item tooltip clashes.
  132. Added support for custom stylesheets per theme.
  133. Removed 4.7.x compatibility.
  134. Admin Menu 4.7-1.3, 2007-03-30
  135. ------------------------------
  136. #126601 Fixed Users can see inaccessible items.
  137. #121027 Fixed Page not found entries for menu-collapsed.png.
  138. Admin Menu 4.7-1.2, 2007-03-04
  139. ------------------------------
  140. - Fixed menu item adjustments
  141. - Fixed IE / Safari support
  142. - Fixed base_path for IE support
  143. - Added create content options to content management menu
  144. Admin Menu 4.7-1.1, 2007-01-24
  145. ------------------------------
  146. First stable release, compatible to Drupal 4.7.x and 5.x.
  147. Admin Menu 4.7-1.0, 2007-01-16
  148. ------------------------------
  149. Initial release of admin_menu module. Already supporting Drupal 5.0.