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public function AddThis::getDisplayMarkup in AddThis 7.4


classes/AddThis.php, line 137
An AddThis-class.


@file An AddThis-class.


public function getDisplayMarkup($display, $options = array()) {
  if (empty($display)) {
    return array();
  $formatters = _addthis_field_info_formatter_field_type();
  if (!array_key_exists($display, $formatters)) {
    return array();

  // The display type exists. Now get it and get the markup.
  $display_information = $formatters[$display];

  // Theme function might only give a display name and
  // render on default implementation.
  if (!isset($options['#display']) || isset($options['#display']['type']) && $options['#display']['type'] != $display) {
    $options['#display'] = isset($options['#display']) ? $options['#display'] : array();
    $options['#display'] = array_merge($options['#display'], $display_information);
    $options['#display']['type'] = $display;

  // When #entity and #entity_type exist, use the entity's URL.
  if (isset($options['#entity']) && isset($options['#entity_type'])) {
    $uri = entity_uri($options['#entity_type'], $options['#entity']);
    $uri['options'] += array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,

    // @todo Add a hook to alter the uri also based on fields from the
    // entity (such as custom share link). Pass $options and $uri. Return
    // a uri object to which we can reset it. Maybe use the alter structure.
    $options['#url'] = url($uri['path'], $uri['options']);

  // @todo Hash the options array and cache the markup.
  // This will save all the extra calls to modules and alters.
  // Allow other modules to alter markup options.
  drupal_alter('addthis_markup_options', $options);
  $markup = array(
    '#display' => $options['#display'],

  // Get all hook implementation to verify later if we can call it.
  $addthis_display_markup_implementations = module_implements('addthis_display_markup');

  // Look for a targeted implementation to call.
  // This should be the default implementation that is called.
  if (function_exists($display_information['module'] . '_addthis_display_markup__' . $display)) {
    $markup += call_user_func_array($display_information['module'] . '_addthis_display_markup__' . $display, array(
  elseif (in_array($display_information['module'], $addthis_display_markup_implementations)) {
    $markup += module_invoke($display_information['module'], 'addthis_display_markup', $display, $options);

  // Allow other modules to alter markup.
  drupal_alter('addthis_markup', $markup);
  return $markup;