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addthis.module in AddThis 6.3

Provides integration with the bookmarking & sharing service.


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 * @file
 * Provides integration with the bookmarking & sharing service.

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function addthis_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/addthis'] = array(
    'title' => 'AddThis',
    'description' => 'Configuration settings for AddThis integration.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer addthis',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/settings/addthis/config'] = array(
    'title' => 'Configure',
    'weight' => 0,
  $items['admin/settings/addthis/templates'] = array(
    'title' => 'Templates',
    'description' => 'Settings for custom sharing templates offered by the AddThis API.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer addthis',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 1,
  $items['admin/settings/addthis/custom'] = array(
    'title' => 'Customize services',
    'description' => 'Add HTML classes and attributes to individual Toolbox items.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer addthis',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 2,
  $items['admin/settings/addthis/flush-services'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'page callback' => 'addthis_flush_services',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function addthis_perm() {
  return array(
    'administer addthis',

 * Implementation of hook_link().
function addthis_link($type, $node = NULL, $teaser = FALSE) {

  // Check whether AddThis is set to display on this node.
  if ($type != 'node') {
    return array();
  if ($teaser && variable_get('addthis_display_in_teasers', '0') == FALSE) {
    return array();
  if (!$teaser && variable_get('addthis_display_in_links', '0') == FALSE) {
    return array();
  $addthis_node_types = variable_get('addthis_node_types', array());
  if (empty($addthis_node_types[$node->type])) {
    return array();
  $addthis_widget_type = variable_get('addthis_widget_type', 'addthis_button');
  $links = array();
  $links['addthis'] = array(
    'title' => theme($addthis_widget_type, NULL, array(
      'url' => url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      'title' => $node->title,
    'html' => TRUE,
  return $links;

 * Implementation of hook_block().
function addthis_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      $blocks[0]['info'] = t('AddThis widget');
      $blocks[0]['cache'] = BLOCK_NO_CACHE;
      return $blocks;
    case 'view':
      $addthis_widget_type = variable_get('addthis_widget_type', 'addthis_button');
      $block['subject'] = t('AddThis');
      $block['content'] = theme($addthis_widget_type);
      return $block;

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function addthis_theme() {
  return array(
    'addthis_button' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'html' => NULL,
        'config' => array(),
    'addthis_toolbox' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'services' => NULL,
        'config' => array(),
    'addthis_toolbox_item' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'service' => NULL,

 * Theme function to render an AddThis button.
 * @param $html
 *   HTML code to be placed inside the <a> element that will become the AddThis
 *   button. If blank, AddThis will use its own default button image.
 * @param array $config
 *   An optional array of configuration options to apply to this instance of
 *   the button. A list of key/value possibilities can be found at
 * Options from both addthis_config and
 *   addthis_share may be used.
function theme_addthis_button($html = NULL, $config = array()) {

  // Build the button attributes, including those provided in $config.
  $attributes = array(
    'class' => 'addthis_button',
  if (!empty($config) && is_array($config)) {
    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
      $attributes['addthis:' . check_plain($key)] = check_plain($value);
  $output = l(filter_xss_admin($html), NULL, array(
    'html' => TRUE,
    'attributes' => $attributes,
  return $output;

 * Theme function to render an AddThis toolbox.
 * @param $services
 *   A comma-separated string of AddThis service codes to be rendered in the
 *    toolbox. If blank, the short list from the admin settings will be used.
 * @param array $config
 *   An optional array of configuration options inherited by each item in the
 *   toolbox. A list of key/value possibilities can be found at
 * @param $more
 *   If the pseudo-service "more" is included, this is the text or HTML used
 *   to represent the expanded menu in the toolbox. Defaults to "Share".
function theme_addthis_toolbox($services = NULL, $config = array()) {
  $default_config = variable_get('addthis_config', array());

  // If no services are passed to the function, use the configured defaults.
  if (empty($services)) {
    $services = explode(',', $default_config['services_toolbox']);
  else {
    $services = explode(',', $services);
  foreach ($services as $service) {
    $output .= theme('addthis_toolbox_item', trim(strtolower($service)));

  // If a $config is specified, process it into $attributes.
  if (!empty($config) && is_array($config)) {
    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
      $attributes .= sprintf("addthis:%s='%s' ", check_plain($key), check_plain($value));
  $toolbox_classes = check_plain(variable_get('addthis_toolbox_classes', ''));
  return "<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style {$toolbox_classes}' {$attributes}>" . $output . "</div>";

 * Theme function to render an individual toolbox item. This is often, but not
 * necessarily, in the context of an AddThis toolbox.
 * @param service
 *   A custom service code or a basic AddThis service code.
 *   Full list at
function theme_addthis_toolbox_item($service) {
  static $services;
  if (!isset($services)) {
    $services = addthis_get_custom_services();

  // Look for the service in the custom services list.
  if (isset($services[$service])) {
    if (isset($services[$service]['output'])) {
      return $services[$service]['output'];
    else {
      $class = 'addthis_toolbox_item ' . check_plain($services[$service]['class']);
      $attributes = filter_xss($services[$service]['attributes']);
      $title = filter_xss_admin($services[$service]['title']);
      return "<a class='{$class}' {$attributes}>{$title}</a>";

  // No custom service found; use the default output.
  $output = "<a class='addthis_toolbox_item addthis_button_" . check_plain($service) . "'></a>";
  return $output;

 * Implements hook_addthis_toolbox_services().
function addthis_addthis_toolbox_services() {
  $services = array(
    'separator' => array(
      'output' => '<span class="addthis_separator">|</span>',
    'share' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_expanded',
      'title' => t('Share'),
    'more' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_expanded',
    'share_compact' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_compact',
      'title' => t('Share'),
    'compact' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_compact',
    'counter' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_counter',
    'counter_pill' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_counter addthis_pill_style',
    'facebook_like' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_facebook_like',
    'facebook_like_counter' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_facebook_like',
      'attributes' => 'fb:like:layout="button_count">',
    'tweet' => array(
      'class' => 'addthis_button_tweet',
  return $services;

 * Get custom service definitions.
 * @return array
 *   An array of service definitions keyed by service code.
function addthis_get_custom_services() {

  // Get service definitions from modules.
  $services = module_invoke_all('addthis_toolbox_services');
  drupal_alter('addthis_toolbox_services', $services);

  // Get service definitions from the Service Customizations form.
  $definitions = variable_get('addthis_service_customizations', array());
  foreach ($definitions as $def) {
    $services[trim(check_plain($def['code']))] = $def;
  return $services;

 * Load the addthis_widget.js and the configured AddThis defaults.
function addthis_add_default_js($footer = FALSE) {
  static $addthis_counter = 0;

  // See if we've done this before.
  if ($footer == TRUE || $addthis_counter++ > 0) {
    return $addthis_counter;

  // Get the base configuration settings array.
  $config = variable_get('addthis_config', array(
    'ui_use_css' => TRUE,
    'data_use_cookies' => TRUE,

  // If no pubid is given, use an anonymous pubid provided by AddThis.
  // The "email" service code doesn't work if this is not set to something.
  if (empty($config['pubid'])) {
    $config['pubid'] = 'xa-4e2cfd1147868c4e';

  // Determine the current language context and add it to $settings.
  global $language;
  $config['ui_language'] = $language->language;

  // AddThis seems to be fairly strict about variable typing.
  $config['ui_use_css'] = (bool) $config['ui_use_css'];
  $config['data_use_cookies'] = (bool) $config['data_use_cookies'];

  // Not sure if this is still necessary.
  $config['data_use_flash'] = $config['data_use_cookies'];

  // Get any configured share templates.
  $share = array();
  $share['templates']['twitter'] = variable_get('addthis_templates_twitter', '');

  // Add the settings array to the page and process it for the AddThis script.
  $settings = array(
    'addthis' => array(
      'config_default' => $config,
      'share_default' => $share,
  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
  drupal_add_js('addthis_config = Drupal.settings.addthis.config_default; addthis_share = Drupal.settings.addthis.share_default;', 'inline');
  return $addthis_counter;

 * Implements hook_footer().
 * Google Analytics integration needs custom JavaScript that has to run after
 * the GA tracking object has been initialized.
function addthis_footer($main = 0) {
  if ($addthis_counter = addthis_add_default_js(TRUE)) {

    // If javascript caching is enabled and the private file system is not being
    // used, go ahead and load the cached file.
    if (variable_get('addthis_cache_js', 0) && variable_get('file_downloads', 1) == 1 && ($source = addthis_cache_js(''))) {
      $output = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . base_path() . $source . "'></script>";
    else {

      // Otherwise, load the external javascript using a protocol-independent
      // URL.
      $output = "<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>";

    // If Google Analytics present, pass the pageTracker object to the
    // addthis_config javascript settings object.
    $config = variable_get('addthis_config', array());
    if (!empty($config['data_ga_tracker'])) {

      // Assume "pageTracker" is the name of the GA tracking object.
      // TODO: Make this configurable in the UI.
      $ga_tracker_name = variable_get('addthis_ga_tracker_name', 'pageTracker');
      drupal_add_js('if (typeof ' . $ga_tracker_name . ' != "undefined") {addthis_config.data_ga_tracker = ' . $ga_tracker_name . ';}', 'inline', 'footer');
    return $output;

 * Download and cache the AddThis JS file locally and return its path.
 * @param $location
 *   The full URL to the external JavaScript file.
 * @return mixed
 *   The path to the local JavaScript file on success, boolean FALSE on failure.
function addthis_cache_js($location) {

  // If the previous cached file is more than a day old, delete it.
  if (time() - variable_get('addthis_last_cache', 0) >= 86400) {

  // Check for a cached version. Get one if it doesn't exist.
  $directory = file_directory_path() . '/addthis';
  $file_destination = $directory . '/' . basename($location);
  if (!file_exists($file_destination)) {
    $result = drupal_http_request($location);

    // Make sure we got the file and that the files directory is writable.
    if ($result->code == 200 && file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      variable_set('addthis_last_cache', time());
      return file_save_data($result->data, $directory . '/' . basename($location), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
    else {
      return FALSE;
  else {
    return $file_destination;

 * Delete the cached JavaScript file.
function addthis_clear_js() {

  // Delete the cached AddThis JS file every day so it gets regenerated again.
  if (file_delete(file_directory_path() . '/addthis/addthis_widget.js')) {

    // Clear aggregated JS files.
    if (variable_get('preprocess_js', 0)) {

 * Helper function to recursively run an entire array through check_plain().
function _addthis_check_plain(&$item) {
  if (is_array($item)) {
    foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
  else {
    $item = check_plain($item);

 * Implementation of hook_views_api().
function addthis_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'addthis'),


Namesort descending Description
addthis_addthis_toolbox_services Implements hook_addthis_toolbox_services().
addthis_add_default_js Load the addthis_widget.js and the configured AddThis defaults.
addthis_block Implementation of hook_block().
addthis_cache_js Download and cache the AddThis JS file locally and return its path.
addthis_clear_js Delete the cached JavaScript file.
addthis_footer Implements hook_footer().
addthis_get_custom_services Get custom service definitions.
addthis_link Implementation of hook_link().
addthis_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
addthis_perm Implementation of hook_perm().
addthis_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
addthis_views_api Implementation of hook_views_api().
theme_addthis_button Theme function to render an AddThis button.
theme_addthis_toolbox Theme function to render an AddThis toolbox.
theme_addthis_toolbox_item Theme function to render an individual toolbox item. This is often, but not necessarily, in the context of an AddThis toolbox.
_addthis_check_plain Helper function to recursively run an entire array through check_plain().