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public static function LabelHelper::getFieldLabels in Address 8

Gets the field labels suitable for the given address format.

Intended to be shown to the end user, they sometimes use a more familiar term than the field name (Company instead of Organization, Contact name instead of Recipient, etc).


\CommerceGuys\Addressing\AddressFormat\AddressFormat $address_format: The address format.

Return value

string[] An array of labels, keyed by field.

5 calls to LabelHelper::getFieldLabels()
Address::addressElements in src/Element/Address.php
Builds the format-specific address elements.
AddressFormatConstraintValidator::addViolation in src/Plugin/Validation/Constraint/AddressFormatConstraintValidator.php
AdministrativeArea::exposedInfo in src/Plugin/views/filter/AdministrativeArea.php
Tell the renderer about our exposed form. This only needs to be overridden for particularly complex forms. And maybe not even then.
ZoneDefaultFormatter::viewElement in src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/ZoneDefaultFormatter.php
Builds a renderable array for a single zone item.
ZoneTerritory::buildSubdivisionElements in src/Element/ZoneTerritory.php
Builds the subdivision form elements.


src/LabelHelper.php, line 54


Provides translated labels for the library enums.




public static function getFieldLabels(AddressFormat $address_format) {
  $administrative_area_type = $address_format
  $locality_type = $address_format
  $dependent_locality_type = $address_format
  $postal_code_type = $address_format
  return [
    AddressField::GIVEN_NAME => t('First name', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::ADDITIONAL_NAME => t('Middle name', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::FAMILY_NAME => t('Last name', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::ORGANIZATION => t('Company', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::ADDRESS_LINE1 => t('Street address', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    // The address line 2 label is usually shown only to screen-reader users.
    AddressField::ADDRESS_LINE2 => t('Street address line 2', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::POSTAL_CODE => self::getPostalCodeLabel($postal_code_type),
    // Google's library always labels the sorting code field as "Cedex".
    AddressField::SORTING_CODE => t('Cedex', [], [
      'context' => 'Address label',
    AddressField::DEPENDENT_LOCALITY => self::getDependentLocalityLabel($dependent_locality_type),
    AddressField::LOCALITY => self::getLocalityLabel($locality_type),
    AddressField::ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA => self::getAdministrativeAreaLabel($administrative_area_type),