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CONTRIBUTE.txt in Advertisement 6

There are many ways that you can contribute to the development of the ad
 1. Testing.
 2. Documentation.
 3. Code.
 4. Money.

1. Testing

   The ad project is a large and complex collection of modules.  As new
  features are added, unfortunately new bugs are sometimes added too.  And
  unfortunately these bugs can go undetected in my development environement.
  By installing the ad module on your server, testing it, and reporting any
  problems that you run into, you help to improve the project.

   Before submitting bug reports, please be sure that you are running the
  latest version of the code, as your bug may have already been fixed.  Also,
  please be sure to review the existing bug reports that other people have
  already submitted so I don't have to waste time cleaning up duplicate bug
  reports -- I maintain this project on a volunteer basis and already have
  little enough time as is.  Finally, be sure to review the included
  documentation to be sure that you have properly installed and configured the

   Bug reports can be viewed and submitted at the following URL:

2. Documentation.

   There is limited documentation built into the modules, and additional
  documentation found in the documentation directory distributed with the ad
  module.  However, documentation can always be improved.  You don't need to
  know how to write code or create patches to help improve the documentation.
  You can simply rewrite documentation files and attach them to the project's
  issue queue at the following URL:

3. Code.

   There are plenty of issues listed in the project's queue waiting until I
  find the time to code up fixes.  If you are a PHP coder yourself, it is
  tremendously helpful if you track down bugs and submit fixes!  It's most
  helpful if you submit fixes for both the 4.7.x and 5.x versions of the

   In addition to fixing bugs, you are also welcome to contribute new
  features.  It's preferred when new features use the ad module's many hooks
  and are implemented in external modules.

4. Money.

   I maintain the ad module in my spare time.  While cash donations are not in
  any way required, they are certainly appreciated.  The simplest way to donate
  money is to use PayPal and send the donation to my email address:  If you are unable to use PayPal, drop me a note at
  that same email address and we can work out something else.

   I also offer consulting services, and can be contracted to add specific
  functionality to the module.  Contact me at for
  more information.


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  1. There are many ways that you can contribute to the development of the ad
  2. module:
  3. 1. Testing.
  4. 2. Documentation.
  5. 3. Code.
  6. 4. Money.
  7. 1. Testing
  8. The ad project is a large and complex collection of modules. As new
  9. features are added, unfortunately new bugs are sometimes added too. And
  10. unfortunately these bugs can go undetected in my development environement.
  11. By installing the ad module on your server, testing it, and reporting any
  12. problems that you run into, you help to improve the project.
  13. Before submitting bug reports, please be sure that you are running the
  14. latest version of the code, as your bug may have already been fixed. Also,
  15. please be sure to review the existing bug reports that other people have
  16. already submitted so I don't have to waste time cleaning up duplicate bug
  17. reports -- I maintain this project on a volunteer basis and already have
  18. little enough time as is. Finally, be sure to review the included
  19. documentation to be sure that you have properly installed and configured the
  20. module.
  21. Bug reports can be viewed and submitted at the following URL:
  23. 2. Documentation.
  24. There is limited documentation built into the modules, and additional
  25. documentation found in the documentation directory distributed with the ad
  26. module. However, documentation can always be improved. You don't need to
  27. know how to write code or create patches to help improve the documentation.
  28. You can simply rewrite documentation files and attach them to the project's
  29. issue queue at the following URL:
  31. 3. Code.
  32. There are plenty of issues listed in the project's queue waiting until I
  33. find the time to code up fixes. If you are a PHP coder yourself, it is
  34. tremendously helpful if you track down bugs and submit fixes! It's most
  35. helpful if you submit fixes for both the 4.7.x and 5.x versions of the
  36. module.
  37. In addition to fixing bugs, you are also welcome to contribute new
  38. features. It's preferred when new features use the ad module's many hooks
  39. and are implemented in external modules.
  40. 4. Money.
  41. I maintain the ad module in my spare time. While cash donations are not in
  42. any way required, they are certainly appreciated. The simplest way to donate
  43. money is to use PayPal and send the donation to my email address:
  44. If you are unable to use PayPal, drop me a note at
  45. that same email address and we can work out something else.
  46. I also offer consulting services, and can be contracted to add specific
  47. functionality to the module. Contact me at for
  48. more information.