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CHANGELOG.txt in Advertisement 6.2

May 20th, 2012 (6.x-2.3.1)
 - Bug #1587578 by MadOverlord: Channel selection regression.
 - Bug #1585986 by smyleeface: hook_update_N() must return something.

May 15th, 2012 (6.x-2.3)
 - bug #797274 by tacituseu: apply modified version of tacituseu's patch to get charts to appear
 - bug #1252536 by osopolar: fix iframe scrolling options
 - Clean up AHAH selection of type
 - Require a debug key to show debugging information

May 29th, 2011 (6.x-2.3-beta1)
 - general
    o bug #1103066: missing t() on some strings passed to drupal_set_message()
    o other minor issues
 - ad_owners.install
    o bug #743848: fix uninstall
 - ad_channel.module
    0 bug #1081730: Allow edits to ads in a channel with full inventory
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #802492: report actual percentage
    o bug #1113336: fix mismatched CSV column headers, terminology
 - ad.module
    o bug #797794 by kingandy, John Franklin: Only serve the latest revision of an ad. 
    o bug #807564 by kingandy: Get only the active revisions's group names.
    o bug #664956: only display Activity tab when viewing Ad nodes
    o bug #511200: Use variable_get() instead of adserve_variable() to fetch
	<front> node URL.
    o bug #101228: missing quotes around string
    o bug #984310: Use drupal_attributes() to create the URL for the iframe tag.
    o bug #1125008: Don't convert dates twice.
 - ad_weight_probability.install
    o bug #951134: Use Drupal schmea API for DB definition
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #699082: Explicitly set form field length
 - Thanks to dmm_paradiso,  pumpkinkid, joachim, aidanlis, kingandy, _tychris, 
      madmatter23, Zoltán Balo, RandalK John Franklin, and Jeremy for the patches.

November 30th, 2009 (6.x-2.2)
 - ad.module
    o bug #645598: don't munge ad expiration time when ad edited by user without
      permission to edit expiration time, patch thanks to Wim Leers
    o bug #646066: add missing {}'s, patch thanks to Jens Soerensen, aka beltofte

November 23rd, 2009 (6.x-2.2-rc1)
    o bug #595524: support Windows paths to ad serving scripts
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o bug #639576: remove pass-by-reference calls to adcacheapi
 - ad_channel.install
    o bug #612302: make weight signed int to allow for negative weights
 - ad_actions.module
    o bug #640950: remove dependancy on token_actions module
    o bug #640948: implement _mail hook to populate notification emails

November 22nd, 2009
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #622004: don't try and display RON ads if there are none
 - ad_embed.module
    o bug #618798: make embeded ads work when there is no other content
    o bug #557918: respect node permissions when displaying ads (if no ad cache
      is enabled)
 - ad_text.module
 - ad_html.module
 - ad_channel.module
 - ad_actions.module
 - ad_external.module
    o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
    o bug #446262: be sure $file is an object, fixing "unable to locate image" error
 - ad.module
    o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
    o bug #478198: do not memove ads from remote search engines by default as users
      with custom home pages are sometimes having the noindex meta header set on
      all pages
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o bug #639576: remove pass-by-reference calls to adcacheapi
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #639584: remove inappropriate call-time pass-by-reference

October 27th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #565574: only allow valid autoactivate and autoexpire dates
    o feature #565550: use jquery calendar popup for autoactivate and autoexpire
      dates if the date_api and date_popup modules are enabled.

October 20th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #604350: use per-page block caching for auto-generated ad blocks
    o feature #411666: when serving ads pass in the url alias, if any
    o feature #548232: add new 'access activity log' permission
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #606244: fix error when editing channel for first time, patch thanks
      to tetramentis
 - adserve.php
    o feature #411666: register the alias where the ad is being displayed
    o feature #411666: check path rules against Drupal path and alias
    o feature #411666: update documentation

October 19th, 2009
 - ad_notify.module
    o bug #547474: removed module, notifications can now be built with the new
      ad_actions module
 - ad_actions.module
    o bug #547474: new module, defines numerous ad triggers and advanced
 - ad.module
    o bug #547474: reorder logic so clicking an ad is recorded before the
      trigger is called

October 7th, 2009
 - ad_module.install
    o bug #598182: properly return array with update 7

October 6th, 2009
 - ad_report.module
    o feature #558618: display image when generating administrative reports
      NOTICE: The ad_report module is now dependent on the chart module
      available at -- this means that all charts
      are now built using Google's Charts API.
 - ad_module.install
    o feature #558618: modify index to greatly improve reporting performance
      CAUTION: This update will take a _very_ long time to run if you have a
      large ad_statistics table, locking the table and possibly preventing ads
      from being properly displayed while the update is running.

September 23rd, 2009
    o feature #548232: expose activity log, showing when changes are made to ad
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #545212: allow filtering by channel <none> on main ad listing

September 22nd, 2009
 - ad_chanel.module
    o feature #547578: allow the non-channel ads percentage to be set to 0
 - ad_report.module
    o feature #543084: display more details when running reports

September 18th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #551598: allow input filter to be configured to something other than
                   'Filtered HTML'

August 4th, 2009 (6.x-2.1)
 - ad.module
    o bug #527658: don't require user to choose ad type if only one is available
    o bug #445264: fix jQuery display method

July 29th, 2009
 - click_filter.module
    o bug #433432: only query ad_owners table if the ad_owners module is enabled
      Patch thanks to mehmeta
    o feature #519784: consider user agents with 'spider' or 'crawl' to be bots
      Patch thanks to pebosi
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #511762: properly document accepted paths for configuring channels
    o bug #499522: document shortcoming regarding url aliases
 - ad.module
    o bug #496406: don't display body field if disabled
      Patch thanks to perarnet

July 28th, 2009
 - ad_channel.install
    o bug #532262: add missing ad_channel_remnant table definition

July 17th, 2009
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #506512: filter reports on ads not assigned to any channel
    o bug #511200: document <front> as an acceptable path

July 11th, 2009
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #487966: provide inventory for channels, allowing remnant ads to
      fill in missing inventory

July 9th, 2009
    o bug #491324: remove unnecessary object

July 6th, 2009
 - ad_embed.module
    o bug #476480: add missing ';' to properly display '<' in form.
 - ad.module
    o bug #480884: remove unnecessary call to ad_groups_list().
      Patch thanks to 'lonelyrobot'.

July 3rd, 2009
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #485218: proper filtering by group and by both group and channel
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o feature #485236: provide manual mechanism for flushing file cache
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o feature #485244: display probability on ad overview page

May 21st, 2009
    o replace probability with percentage to ease administration
    o remove non-channel probabilities, replace with percentages.  improve
      channel selection to ensure proper weighting regardless of how many
      channels and how many ads in channels and not in channels.
 - ad_channel.install
    o replace no_channel_weight row with no_channel_percentage.  Automatically
      convert existing configurations from weight to percentage.

May 15th, 2009
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #437580: properly validate remote image, allowing it to be set as

May 7th, 2009
    o bug #453236: properly cast db query so can filter on multiple nids or tids
    o bug: validate that a non-zero channel weight has been set, otherwise fall
      back to default weight

April 22nd, 2009 (6.x-2.0)
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #436234: allow nodes to save properly on creation
 - ad_weight_percentage.module
    o bug #436234: allow nodes to save properly on creation

April 17th, 2009
 - ad_cache_file.install
    o bug #436926: be sure the file cache is disabled when the ad file cache
      module is disabled (patch thanks to Garrett Albright)

April 16th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-rc1)
 - ad.module
    o feature #170497: introduce configurable option to remove ad nodes from
      search results, enabled by default.  Advertisements will still show up
      in search results for users with 'administer advertisements' or 'edit any
      advertisement' permissions.
    o feature #321184: introduce configurable option to remove ad nodes from
      remote search engines using the 'noindex' meta tag, enabled by default

April 15th, 2009
 - ad_channel.install
    o bug #433432: add missing no_channel_weight column to schema definition
 - ad.module
    o bug #400734: get aid from node->nid if available

April 14th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta6)
 - ad.module
    o bug #431806: use valid XHTML when displaying advertisements

April 9th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #404888: properly increment impressions when using the raw method to
      display advertisements
    o bug #404888: properly display advertisements in Raw mode
    o bug #404888: properly increment impressions when using the raw method to
      display advertisements
    o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements
 - ad_channel.install
    o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements

April 7th, 2009
 - ad_cache_file
    o bug #425482: support older versions of PHP when building cache
 - ad_channel.module
    o #426292: sanitize urls trimming white space from start and end of lines
      to be sure they match as expected
    o bug #376924: list ad_owner as ad_cache_file dependency
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #426300: allow the deletion of channels and containers
 - ad_channel.install
    o bug #426300: rebuild menu so channels and containers can be deleted

April 3rd, 2009
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #421046: optionally limit the number of channels that can be
      assigned to a single advertisement
 - ad.install
    o bug #422936: add missing extra fields from table definitions

April 2nd, 2009
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #421008: make premier status configurable to anyone with 'configure
      premier status' permission
 - ad.module
    o feature #421026: add notification event for an advertisement being taken
    o feature #421026: add notification event for an advertisement being updated
 - ad_notify.module
    o remove outdated notification references to _views, changing to the new
      _impressions syntax
 - ad_image.module
    o feature #421054: enforce optional maximum filesize
    o enforce maximum size, and minimum/maximum height and width o422936n remotely
      hosted images in addition to locally hosted images
 - ad_image.install
    o feature #421054: add new max_size field for enforcing maximum filesize

March 31st, 2009
 - ad_owners.module
    o bug #419140: always be sure $permissions is an array
    o bug #400734: validate cache element exists before using it

March 30th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta5)
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #418758: validate that $group is an array before treating it as one
 - ad_owners.module
    o feature #418382: make per-ad-type default permissions also per-role
    o feature #418382: introduce 'grant default per ad type permissions' permission
 - ad.module
    o feature #418382: introduce 'edit any advertisements', 'delete own advertisement',
      and 'delete any advertisements' permissions
 - ad_text.module
    o properly display advertisement in reports

March 28th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #417414: properly save autoactivate and autoexpire timestamps
 - ad_notify.module
    o bug #417512: implement hook_mail so that notifications are actually sent
    o bug #417512: use proper variable names in emails
    o bug #417512: (renamed from to match the ad module's naming
      standards) cleanup logic to always return a value even if 0, remove
      nonexistent this_week_impressions and this_week_clicks variables
 - ad_token.install
    o bug #417512: replace old variables with new variables in already
      existing notifications

March 27th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta4)
    o bug #406278: fix PHP E_ALL notices
      (fix includes patch by Garrett Albright)
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_channel.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
    o bug #416110: build proper joins when filtering by channel or premiere
    o feature #416164: a configurable option to display channels along with
      or instead of groups on the admin ads listing page
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #404892: only display reports tab on advertisements
 - ad_notify.module
    o bug #404892: only display notify tab on advertisements
    o feature #173176: complete implementation of default notifications
 - ad_notify.install
    o feature #173176: new "template" column to allow per-role notifications
 - ad.install
    o remove unintentional call-time pass-by-reference
 - ad_image.install
    o remove unintentional call-time pass-by-reference

March 26th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o by default, only rebuild cache file when cron runs -- to rebuild
      immediately set 'ad_cache_file_rebuild_realtime' to TRUE in your $conf
      array in settings.php.
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o only add/update probability information when working with ads
    o don't rebuild cache twice, it will be rebuilt on save by the ad module

March 18th, 2009
    o add timestamp to debug output
    o add memory information to debug output
    o by default, only rebuil cache file when cron runs -- to rebuild
      immediately set 'ad_cache_file_rebuild_realtime' to TRUE in your $conf
      array in settings.php.
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o rebuild file cache in cron hook
    o add debug output when rebuilding cache

March 11th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o feature #382928: select ad type with inline AHAH switcher
                       (patch thanks to "neochief")
 - ad.install
    o feature #382928: flush cache so AHAH switcher will work
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #386796: allow per-channel reports
 - ad_report.module
    o feature #386796: allow external modules to modify reports

March 5th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta3)
 - ad.module
    o simplify ad redirect path to avoid mismatched parameters
    o feature #173176: use token module when generating notifications
    o properly display $extra parameters
    o simplify ad redirect path to avoid mismatched parameters
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #386794: generate proper report when selecting group(s)
 - ad_channel.module
    o add filter by premiere status to administrative ad overview page
 - ad_notify.install
    o feature #173176: new "roles" column to allow per-role notifications
 - ad_notify.module
    o feature #173176: add global per-role notifications, integrate token module

March 4th, 2009
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #389724: properly display locally hosted images
    o bug #391392: properly display locally hosted images
 - ad_channel.module
    o bug #389700: fix filtering by ad channel

March 3rd, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta2)
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_image.install
    o feature #388712: add remote_image field for remotely hosting images
 - ad_image.module
    o feature #388712: optionally allow images to be hosted remotely
      (must go to "Administer > Content management > Ads > Settings > Image ad"
       and check "Allow remote hosted images" to use this feature.)
 - ad.module
    o allow ad-type module global settings changes to be saved
 - ad_owners.module
    o allow ad-type module global settings changes to be saved

March 2nd, 2009
 - ad_channel
    o bug #388720: display channels by name, not by description
 - ad_remote
    o bug #387164: generate proper snippet for tracking remote url

March 1st, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta1)
 - ad_remote.module
    o bug #387164: display advertisements with javascript to capture remote
                   URL and properly support ad_channels
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #386832: allow filtering by channel on ad admin page

February 28th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-alpha2)
 - ad_owners.module
    o rename ad_host_id_create to ad_owners_create_hostid for consistency
 - ad_remote.module
    o replace call to ad_host_id_create with ad_owners_create_hostid
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o bug #386816: new ads default to a weight of 1
 - ad_html.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
    o bug #386824: fix grammatical typo
 - ad_channel.module
    o feature #386810: set channel after ad group
    o feature #386820: display channels when viewing node (if have 'administer
      channels' permissions)

February 27th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-alpha1)
 - ad_report.module
    o fix PHP notice, validate element before using it
 - ad.module
    o bug #382970: ad_permission must handle aid as int or node object
    o bug #383008: ad_status_display should only return allowed permissions
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_html.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_text.module
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_owners.module
    o make it possible to set default permissions
    o make it possible to set per-advertisement permissions
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o update form_alter to work with Drupal 6
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
 - ad_channel.module
    o port to Drupal 6
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o bug #383836: fix typo in adapi
    o fix PHP E_ALL notices
    o REMOVED: module needs a major update, it is currently unusable

February 24th, 2009
 - ad_report.module
    o complete porting to 6.x, fixup paths

February 23rd, 2009
 - ad_report.module
    o porting to 6.x

February 23rd, 2009 (branched 6.x-2.x)
 - imported changes from 5.x-2.x-dev branch

February 17th, 2009 (1.1)
 - ad.module
    o bug #375742: support manual IFrame configuration
    o feature #298608: return ad_link_attributes as array so ad_display_TYPE
                   functions can call l() rather than custom building links
    o feature #346454: replace "views" with "impressions"
 - ad.install
    o feature #298608: flush all caches for new ad display functions
    o bug #375765: do not auto-expire ads unless configured to auto-expire
    o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing views files
 - ad_external.module
    o feature #298608: display external ad with themeable function
 - ad_html.module
    o feature #298608: display html ad with themeable function
 - ad_image.module
    o feature #298608: display image ad with themeable function
 - ad_text.module
    o feature #298608: display text ad with themeable function

February 16th, 2009
 - ad_text.module
    o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance (new patch by Webchick)
    o bug #375474: don't automatically set autoactive/autoexpire date
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_owners.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_embed.module
    o bug #294035: fixup ad_embed module to work with Drupal 6
 - ad.install
    o bug #294035: rebuild menu so ad_embed settings page is visible

February 16th, 2009 (1.0)
    o bug #374044: when editing group, don't display "create group" button
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_cache_memcache.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_embed.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_remote.module
    o bug #375221: generate valid HTML snippet
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_external.module
    o bug #375221: generate valid HTML snippet
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_image.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_text.module
    o bug #375241: allow ad owners to change ad status
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_html.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_remote.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - ad_owners.module
    o bug #375244: automatically make ad creator an ad owner with default perms
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - click_filter.install
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
 - click_filter.module
    o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance

February 12th, 2009 (1.0-rc2)
    o bug #294044: module dependent on ad_owners module
 - ad.module
    o bug #304326: fix permissions so user can view click details
    o feature #304326: display username in overview and details
    o bug #294040: order of ad_memcache_set() parameters was swapped

February 11th, 2009
 - ad_text.module
    o feature #373016: don't require destination URL, cleanup help text
    o bug #373065: cleanup URL on ad node page
    o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
 - ad_image.module
    o feature #373016: cleanup help text for destination URL
    o bug #373065: cleanup URL on ad node page
    o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
 - ad_html.module
    o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
 - ad_external.module
    o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
 - ad_text.install
    o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove text ads
 - ad_image.install
    o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove image ads
 - ad_html.install
    o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove html ads
    o bug #373065: do not add trailing slash if there is no hostid
    o bug #373065: generate proper redirect link

February 11th, 2009 (1.0-rc1)

February 10th, 2009
 - ad_notify.module
    o bug #360432: don't display error if no notifications have been created
    o bug #372211: fix multi-delete of advertisements via admin interface
    o bug #277286: document how to set DRUPAL_ROOT for Windows servers, get
      path directly from DURPAL_ROOT if set

February 9th, 2009
 - ad.module
    o bug #369327: allow creation of advertisements
    o bug #370194: properly format dependencies
    o properly format dependencies

December 18th, 2008
 - ad.module
    o generate click history in a function
    o remove administrative statistics page (replaced by configurable reports)
 - ad_report.module
    o display click history along with other report data
    o provide administrative reports, with downloadable CSV's
    o put year first in path for reports, to avoid issue with # of digits
    o default all reports to current month
 - ad_report.install
    o flush cache_menu to register new administrative paths

December 17th, 2008
 - ad.install
    o introduce 'extra' field in 'ad_statistics' and 'ad_clicks' tables
 - ad.module
    o store 'extra' data when advertisements are clicked
    o support 'hook_increment_extra' allowing add-ons to add granularity
    o modify click URL to include 'extra' field
    o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
    o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o support 'hook_increment_extra' allowing add-ons to add granularity
    o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
 - ad_channel.module
    o declare _increment_extra hook
    o track which channels displayed advertisements were selected from
    o implement _increment_extra hook to track per-channel granularity

December 16th, 2008
 - ad_report.module
    o prevent division by zero when generating reports

December 12th, 2008
 - ad_report.module
    o feature #333040: make report range configurable (optionally enable the
      jstools jscalendar module for popup calendar selection)
    o feature #333040: provide per-group table breakdown of ad statistics

December 11th, 2008
 - ad.module
    o provide new granular status permissions with logical workflow:
        set status as pending, set status as denied,
        set status from pending to approved, set status from pending to denied,
        set status from approved to active, set status from approved to offline,
        set status from active to offline, set status from active to expired,
        set status from offline to active, set status from offline to expired
    o remove 'unpublished' adstatus, an uppublished node is now an 'expired' ad
    o flush the cache when admin modifies ad status in bulk operation
    o when editing ad, only display ad status options have perms to control
    o feature #167042: provide access to statistics and clicks by default if
      the ad_permission module is not enabled
 - ad_image.module
    o rename 'manage active ad' to 'manage active image'
    o grant permission to new ad owners by default
 - ad_text.module
    o grant 'manage ad text' permission to new ad owners by default
 - ad_html.module
    o grant 'manage ad html' permission to new ad owners by default
 - ad_notify.module
    o grant 'manage own notifications' permission to new ad owners by default
    o grant 'edit notification email' permission to new ad owners by default
 - ad_permission.module
    o allow control of per-ad type default permissions
 - ad_permission.install
    o use CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS correctly (was resulting in an error)
    o update old permission names to new permission names ('manage status'
      gets changed to the default status permissions for that ad type.)

December 10th, 2008
 - ad_remote.module
    o add javascript for recording remote url on which remote ads are served
 - ad.module
    o use single quotes when displaying javascript, so we can display it within
      other javascript (for ad_remote)
    o provide option to display ad url without any <div> wrappers
    o provide mechanism for flushing cache
    o automatically flush cache when ads are updated
    o make best effort attempt at setting a proper remote url when serving
      ads with the ad_remote module
 - ad_channel.module
    o provide configuration option for how to treat ads not in a channel
    o flush cache when channel information changes
    o respect configuration option for ads not in a channel
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o ad module now auto-flushes cache when ad is updated
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o flush cache when weight changes

December 9th, 2008
 - ad.module
    o replace call to old ad_owners_add() with new ad_permission_owners_add()
 - ad_permission.install
    o only create tables if not already existing (on upgrades, these tables
      were already created by the core ad module)
    o ad_remote now dependent on new ad_permission module
 - ad_remote.module
    o replace call to ad_host_id_create() with new ad_permission_create_hostid()

December 8th, 2008
 - ad_permission.install
    o fix namespace collision
 - ad_permission.module
    o for consistency, don't change title as updating permissisons
 - adserve.php
    o define debug error handler
    o when debugging display all warnings except for misleading header and
      session warnings caused by debugging
    o fix strict PHP warnings
    o fix strict PHP warnings
    o fix strict PHP warnings

December 7th, 2008
 - ad.install
    o move permissions schema into ad_permission module
 - ad.module
    o move permissions logic into ad_permission module
 - ad_html.module
    o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
 - ad_image.module
    o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
 - ad_text.module
    o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
 - ad_permission.module
    o provide granular permissions for advertisements

December 6th, 2008
    o introduce hook_weight
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o introduce hook_weight
    o allow the display of more than one premiere advertisement
 - ad_channel.module
    o support 'configure ad premiere status' permission
 Feature #139928:
 - ad_weight_probability.module
    o support weighting the probability that a given ad will be displayed

December 5th, 2008
 - serve.php
    o include new file
    o divide ad serving functions into hooks
    o move display functionality into to standardize caching
    o rework hook functionality
    o fix debug output to include and
    o standardize caching and debugging code
    o simplify by utilizing functions provided in
    o properly track views and clicks with group-level granularity
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o properly track views and clicks with group-level granularity
    o utilize functions provided by
    o add support for premiere advertisements
 - ad_channel.module
    o cleanup wording and fieldsets
    o fix group validation when no groups are selected
    o add support for premiere advertisements
 - ad_channel.install
    o add support for premiere advertisements

November 28th, 2008
 Feature #337505:
 - ad.module
    o track URL where serving advertisements
    o introduce adserve_filter hook
    o introduce adserve_filter hook
    o convert include_hook_init, include_hook_select to hook_init, hook_select
 - ad_cache_file.module
    o support multiple hook_init, hook_filter, and hook_select hooks
 - ad_channel.module
    o add cache support
    o implement cache support

November 27th, 2008
 Feature #337505:
 - ad_channel.module
    o implement ability to assign ads to channels

November 21st, 2008
 Feature #337505:
 - ad_channel.module
    o implement creation, editing and deletion of channels
    o implement creation, editing and deletion of containers
    o implement channel overview page

November 20th, 2008
 Feature #337505:
 - ad_channel.module
    o draft administrative pages for ad channels.
    o administrative interface for creating channels
    o administrative interface for creating channel containers
 - ad_channel.install
    o define ad_channel schema

November 19th, 2008
 - ad.module
    o bug #329475: remove translations on internal status names
 - ad_text.module
    o bug #335466: fix unclosed div
 - ad.install
    o bug #330173: fix infinite loop when uninstalling the ad module
 - click_filter.module
    o bug #294037: remove calls to db_num_rows
      (patch thanks to James Glasgow, aka jrglasgow)
 - ad_report.module
    o bug #330104: port module to Drupal 6
      (patch by Mehmet Alkanlar, aka mehmeta)

October 30th 2008
 - ad.module
    o bug #294029: Display theme, properly redirect
 - click_filter.module
    o bug #294037

August 11th 2008
Branched 6.x from 5.x-1.6


View source
  1. May 20th, 2012 (6.x-2.3.1)
  2. - Bug #1587578 by MadOverlord: Channel selection regression.
  3. - Bug #1585986 by smyleeface: hook_update_N() must return something.
  4. May 15th, 2012 (6.x-2.3)
  5. - bug #797274 by tacituseu: apply modified version of tacituseu's patch to get charts to appear
  6. - bug #1252536 by osopolar: fix iframe scrolling options
  7. - Clean up AHAH selection of type
  8. - Require a debug key to show debugging information
  9. May 29th, 2011 (6.x-2.3-beta1)
  10. - general
  11. o bug #1103066: missing t() on some strings passed to drupal_set_message()
  12. o other minor issues
  13. - ad_owners.install
  14. o bug #743848: fix uninstall
  15. - ad_channel.module
  16. 0 bug #1081730: Allow edits to ads in a channel with full inventory
  17. - ad_report.module
  18. o bug #802492: report actual percentage
  19. o bug #1113336: fix mismatched CSV column headers, terminology
  20. - ad.module
  21. o bug #797794 by kingandy, John Franklin: Only serve the latest revision of an ad.
  22. o bug #807564 by kingandy: Get only the active revisions's group names.
  23. o bug #664956: only display Activity tab when viewing Ad nodes
  24. o bug #511200: Use variable_get() instead of adserve_variable() to fetch
  25. node URL.
  26. o bug #101228: missing quotes around string
  27. o bug #984310: Use drupal_attributes() to create the URL for the iframe tag.
  28. o bug #1125008: Don't convert dates twice.
  29. - ad_weight_probability.install
  30. o bug #951134: Use Drupal schmea API for DB definition
  31. - ad_image.module
  32. o bug #699082: Explicitly set form field length
  33. - Thanks to dmm_paradiso, pumpkinkid, joachim, aidanlis, kingandy, _tychris,
  34. madmatter23, Zoltán Balo, RandalK John Franklin, and Jeremy for the patches.
  35. November 30th, 2009 (6.x-2.2)
  36. - ad.module
  37. o bug #645598: don't munge ad expiration time when ad edited by user without
  38. permission to edit expiration time, patch thanks to Wim Leers
  39. -
  40. o bug #646066: add missing {}'s, patch thanks to Jens Soerensen, aka beltofte
  41. November 23rd, 2009 (6.x-2.2-rc1)
  42. -
  43. o bug #595524: support Windows paths to ad serving scripts
  44. - ad_cache_file.module
  45. o bug #639576: remove pass-by-reference calls to adcacheapi
  46. - ad_channel.install
  47. o bug #612302: make weight signed int to allow for negative weights
  48. - ad_actions.module
  49. o bug #640950: remove dependancy on token_actions module
  50. o bug #640948: implement _mail hook to populate notification emails
  51. November 22nd, 2009
  52. - ad_channel.module
  53. o bug #622004: don't try and display RON ads if there are none
  54. - ad_embed.module
  55. o bug #618798: make embeded ads work when there is no other content
  56. -
  57. o bug #557918: respect node permissions when displaying ads (if no ad cache
  58. is enabled)
  59. - ad_text.module
  60. - ad_html.module
  61. - ad_channel.module
  62. - ad_actions.module
  63. - ad_external.module
  64. o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
  65. - ad_image.module
  66. o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
  67. o bug #446262: be sure $file is an object, fixing "unable to locate image" error
  68. - ad.module
  69. o bug #637624: remove pass-by-reference calls to adapi
  70. o bug #478198: do not memove ads from remote search engines by default as users
  71. with custom home pages are sometimes having the noindex meta header set on
  72. all pages
  73. - ad_cache_file.module
  74. o bug #639576: remove pass-by-reference calls to adcacheapi
  75. - ad_report.module
  76. o bug #639584: remove inappropriate call-time pass-by-reference
  77. October 27th, 2009
  78. - ad.module
  79. o bug #565574: only allow valid autoactivate and autoexpire dates
  80. o feature #565550: use jquery calendar popup for autoactivate and autoexpire
  81. dates if the date_api and date_popup modules are enabled.
  82. October 20th, 2009
  83. - ad.module
  84. o bug #604350: use per-page block caching for auto-generated ad blocks
  85. o feature #411666: when serving ads pass in the url alias, if any
  86. o feature #548232: add new 'access activity log' permission
  87. - ad_channel.module
  88. o bug #606244: fix error when editing channel for first time, patch thanks
  89. to tetramentis
  90. - adserve.php
  91. o feature #411666: register the alias where the ad is being displayed
  92. -
  93. o feature #411666: check path rules against Drupal path and alias
  94. -
  95. o feature #411666: update documentation
  96. October 19th, 2009
  97. - ad_notify.module
  98. o bug #547474: removed module, notifications can now be built with the new
  99. ad_actions module
  100. - ad_actions.module
  101. o bug #547474: new module, defines numerous ad triggers and advanced
  102. actions
  103. - ad.module
  104. o bug #547474: reorder logic so clicking an ad is recorded before the
  105. trigger is called
  106. October 7th, 2009
  107. - ad_module.install
  108. o bug #598182: properly return array with update 7
  109. October 6th, 2009
  110. - ad_report.module
  111. o feature #558618: display image when generating administrative reports
  112. NOTICE: The ad_report module is now dependent on the chart module
  113. available at -- this means that all charts
  114. are now built using Google's Charts API.
  115. - ad_module.install
  116. o feature #558618: modify index to greatly improve reporting performance
  117. CAUTION: This update will take a _very_ long time to run if you have a
  118. large ad_statistics table, locking the table and possibly preventing ads
  119. from being properly displayed while the update is running.
  120. September 23rd, 2009
  121. -
  122. o feature #548232: expose activity log, showing when changes are made to ad
  123. - ad_channel.module
  124. o feature #545212: allow filtering by channel on main ad listing
  125. September 22nd, 2009
  126. - ad_chanel.module
  127. o feature #547578: allow the non-channel ads percentage to be set to 0
  128. - ad_report.module
  129. o feature #543084: display more details when running reports
  130. September 18th, 2009
  131. - ad.module
  132. o bug #551598: allow input filter to be configured to something other than
  133. 'Filtered HTML'
  134. August 4th, 2009 (6.x-2.1)
  135. - ad.module
  136. o bug #527658: don't require user to choose ad type if only one is available
  137. o bug #445264: fix jQuery display method
  138. July 29th, 2009
  139. - click_filter.module
  140. o bug #433432: only query ad_owners table if the ad_owners module is enabled
  141. Patch thanks to mehmeta
  142. o feature #519784: consider user agents with 'spider' or 'crawl' to be bots
  143. Patch thanks to pebosi
  144. - ad_channel.module
  145. o bug #511762: properly document accepted paths for configuring channels
  146. o bug #499522: document shortcoming regarding url aliases
  147. - ad.module
  148. o bug #496406: don't display body field if disabled
  149. Patch thanks to perarnet
  150. July 28th, 2009
  151. - ad_channel.install
  152. o bug #532262: add missing ad_channel_remnant table definition
  153. July 17th, 2009
  154. - ad_channel.module
  155. o feature #506512: filter reports on ads not assigned to any channel
  156. o bug #511200: document as an acceptable path
  157. July 11th, 2009
  158. - ad_channel.module
  159. o feature #487966: provide inventory for channels, allowing remnant ads to
  160. fill in missing inventory
  161. July 9th, 2009
  162. -
  163. o bug #491324: remove unnecessary object
  164. July 6th, 2009
  165. - ad_embed.module
  166. o bug #476480: add missing ';' to properly display '<' in form.
  167. - ad.module
  168. o bug #480884: remove unnecessary call to ad_groups_list().
  169. Patch thanks to 'lonelyrobot'.
  170. July 3rd, 2009
  171. - ad_report.module
  172. o bug #485218: proper filtering by group and by both group and channel
  173. - ad_cache_file.module
  174. o feature #485236: provide manual mechanism for flushing file cache
  175. - ad_weight_probability.module
  176. o feature #485244: display probability on ad overview page
  177. May 21st, 2009
  178. -
  179. o replace probability with percentage to ease administration
  180. -
  181. o remove non-channel probabilities, replace with percentages. improve
  182. channel selection to ensure proper weighting regardless of how many
  183. channels and how many ads in channels and not in channels.
  184. - ad_channel.install
  185. o replace no_channel_weight row with no_channel_percentage. Automatically
  186. convert existing configurations from weight to percentage.
  187. May 15th, 2009
  188. - ad_image.module
  189. o bug #437580: properly validate remote image, allowing it to be set as
  190. active
  191. May 7th, 2009
  192. -
  193. o bug #453236: properly cast db query so can filter on multiple nids or tids
  194. -
  195. o bug: validate that a non-zero channel weight has been set, otherwise fall
  196. back to default weight
  197. April 22nd, 2009 (6.x-2.0)
  198. - ad_channel.module
  199. o bug #436234: allow nodes to save properly on creation
  200. - ad_weight_percentage.module
  201. o bug #436234: allow nodes to save properly on creation
  202. April 17th, 2009
  203. - ad_cache_file.install
  204. o bug #436926: be sure the file cache is disabled when the ad file cache
  205. module is disabled (patch thanks to Garrett Albright)
  206. April 16th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-rc1)
  207. - ad.module
  208. o feature #170497: introduce configurable option to remove ad nodes from
  209. search results, enabled by default. Advertisements will still show up
  210. in search results for users with 'administer advertisements' or 'edit any
  211. advertisement' permissions.
  212. o feature #321184: introduce configurable option to remove ad nodes from
  213. remote search engines using the 'noindex' meta tag, enabled by default
  214. April 15th, 2009
  215. - ad_channel.install
  216. o bug #433432: add missing no_channel_weight column to schema definition
  217. - ad.module
  218. o bug #400734: get aid from node->nid if available
  219. April 14th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta6)
  220. - ad.module
  221. o bug #431806: use valid XHTML when displaying advertisements
  222. April 9th, 2009
  223. - ad.module
  224. o bug #404888: properly increment impressions when using the raw method to
  225. display advertisements
  226. -
  227. o bug #404888: properly display advertisements in Raw mode
  228. -
  229. o bug #404888: properly increment impressions when using the raw method to
  230. display advertisements
  231. -
  232. o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements
  233. - ad_channel.install
  234. o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements
  235. - ad_channel.module
  236. o feature #421038: allow weighting of non-channel advertisements
  237. April 7th, 2009
  238. - ad_cache_file
  239. o bug #425482: support older versions of PHP when building cache
  240. - ad_channel.module
  241. o #426292: sanitize urls trimming white space from start and end of lines
  242. to be sure they match as expected
  243. -
  244. o bug #376924: list ad_owner as ad_cache_file dependency
  245. - ad_channel.module
  246. o bug #426300: allow the deletion of channels and containers
  247. - ad_channel.install
  248. o bug #426300: rebuild menu so channels and containers can be deleted
  249. April 3rd, 2009
  250. - ad_channel.module
  251. o feature #421046: optionally limit the number of channels that can be
  252. assigned to a single advertisement
  253. - ad.install
  254. o bug #422936: add missing extra fields from table definitions
  255. April 2nd, 2009
  256. - ad_channel.module
  257. o bug #421008: make premier status configurable to anyone with 'configure
  258. premier status' permission
  259. - ad.module
  260. o feature #421026: add notification event for an advertisement being taken
  261. offline
  262. o feature #421026: add notification event for an advertisement being updated
  263. - ad_notify.module
  264. o remove outdated notification references to _views, changing to the new
  265. _impressions syntax
  266. - ad_image.module
  267. o feature #421054: enforce optional maximum filesize
  268. o enforce maximum size, and minimum/maximum height and width o422936n remotely
  269. hosted images in addition to locally hosted images
  270. - ad_image.install
  271. o feature #421054: add new max_size field for enforcing maximum filesize
  272. March 31st, 2009
  273. - ad_owners.module
  274. o bug #419140: always be sure $permissions is an array
  275. -
  276. o bug #400734: validate cache element exists before using it
  277. March 30th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta5)
  278. - ad_channel.module
  279. o bug #418758: validate that $group is an array before treating it as one
  280. - ad_owners.module
  281. o feature #418382: make per-ad-type default permissions also per-role
  282. o feature #418382: introduce 'grant default per ad type permissions' permission
  283. - ad.module
  284. o feature #418382: introduce 'edit any advertisements', 'delete own advertisement',
  285. and 'delete any advertisements' permissions
  286. - ad_text.module
  287. o properly display advertisement in reports
  288. March 28th, 2009
  289. - ad.module
  290. o bug #417414: properly save autoactivate and autoexpire timestamps
  291. - ad_notify.module
  292. o bug #417512: implement hook_mail so that notifications are actually sent
  293. o bug #417512: use proper variable names in emails
  294. -
  295. o bug #417512: (renamed from to match the ad module's naming
  296. standards) cleanup logic to always return a value even if 0, remove
  297. nonexistent this_week_impressions and this_week_clicks variables
  298. - ad_token.install
  299. o bug #417512: replace old variables with new variables in already
  300. existing notifications
  301. March 27th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta4)
  302. -
  303. o bug #406278: fix PHP E_ALL notices
  304. (fix includes patch by Garrett Albright)
  305. - ad_cache_file.module
  306. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  307. -
  308. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  309. -
  310. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  311. - ad_channel.module
  312. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  313. o bug #416110: build proper joins when filtering by channel or premiere
  314. o feature #416164: a configurable option to display channels along with
  315. or instead of groups on the admin ads listing page
  316. - ad_weight_probability.module
  317. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  318. - ad_report.module
  319. o bug #404892: only display reports tab on advertisements
  320. - ad_notify.module
  321. o bug #404892: only display notify tab on advertisements
  322. o feature #173176: complete implementation of default notifications
  323. - ad_notify.install
  324. o feature #173176: new "template" column to allow per-role notifications
  325. - ad.install
  326. o remove unintentional call-time pass-by-reference
  327. - ad_image.install
  328. o remove unintentional call-time pass-by-reference
  329. March 26th, 2009
  330. - ad.module
  331. o by default, only rebuild cache file when cron runs -- to rebuild
  332. immediately set 'ad_cache_file_rebuild_realtime' to TRUE in your $conf
  333. array in settings.php.
  334. - ad_weight_probability.module
  335. o only add/update probability information when working with ads
  336. o don't rebuild cache twice, it will be rebuilt on save by the ad module
  337. March 18th, 2009
  338. -
  339. o add timestamp to debug output
  340. o add memory information to debug output
  341. -
  342. o by default, only rebuil cache file when cron runs -- to rebuild
  343. immediately set 'ad_cache_file_rebuild_realtime' to TRUE in your $conf
  344. array in settings.php.
  345. - ad_cache_file.module
  346. o rebuild file cache in cron hook
  347. o add debug output when rebuilding cache
  348. March 11th, 2009
  349. - ad.module
  350. o feature #382928: select ad type with inline AHAH switcher
  351. (patch thanks to "neochief")
  352. - ad.install
  353. o feature #382928: flush cache so AHAH switcher will work
  354. - ad_channel.module
  355. o feature #386796: allow per-channel reports
  356. - ad_report.module
  357. o feature #386796: allow external modules to modify reports
  358. March 5th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta3)
  359. - ad.module
  360. o simplify ad redirect path to avoid mismatched parameters
  361. o feature #173176: use token module when generating notifications
  362. -
  363. o properly display $extra parameters
  364. o simplify ad redirect path to avoid mismatched parameters
  365. - ad_report.module
  366. o bug #386794: generate proper report when selecting group(s)
  367. - ad_channel.module
  368. o add filter by premiere status to administrative ad overview page
  369. - ad_notify.install
  370. o feature #173176: new "roles" column to allow per-role notifications
  371. - ad_notify.module
  372. o feature #173176: add global per-role notifications, integrate token module
  373. March 4th, 2009
  374. - ad_image.module
  375. o bug #389724: properly display locally hosted images
  376. o bug #391392: properly display locally hosted images
  377. - ad_channel.module
  378. o bug #389700: fix filtering by ad channel
  379. March 3rd, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta2)
  380. - ad_cache_file.module
  381. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  382. - ad_image.install
  383. o feature #388712: add remote_image field for remotely hosting images
  384. - ad_image.module
  385. o feature #388712: optionally allow images to be hosted remotely
  386. (must go to "Administer > Content management > Ads > Settings > Image ad"
  387. and check "Allow remote hosted images" to use this feature.)
  388. - ad.module
  389. o allow ad-type module global settings changes to be saved
  390. - ad_owners.module
  391. o allow ad-type module global settings changes to be saved
  392. March 2nd, 2009
  393. - ad_channel
  394. o bug #388720: display channels by name, not by description
  395. - ad_remote
  396. o bug #387164: generate proper snippet for tracking remote url
  397. March 1st, 2009 (6.x-2.0-beta1)
  398. - ad_remote.module
  399. o bug #387164: display advertisements with javascript to capture remote
  400. URL and properly support ad_channels
  401. - ad_channel.module
  402. o feature #386832: allow filtering by channel on ad admin page
  403. February 28th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-alpha2)
  404. - ad_owners.module
  405. o rename ad_host_id_create to ad_owners_create_hostid for consistency
  406. - ad_remote.module
  407. o replace call to ad_host_id_create with ad_owners_create_hostid
  408. - ad_weight_probability.module
  409. o bug #386816: new ads default to a weight of 1
  410. - ad_html.module
  411. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  412. -
  413. o bug #386824: fix grammatical typo
  414. - ad_channel.module
  415. o feature #386810: set channel after ad group
  416. o feature #386820: display channels when viewing node (if have 'administer
  417. channels' permissions)
  418. February 27th, 2009 (6.x-2.0-alpha1)
  419. - ad_report.module
  420. o fix PHP notice, validate element before using it
  421. - ad.module
  422. o bug #382970: ad_permission must handle aid as int or node object
  423. o bug #383008: ad_status_display should only return allowed permissions
  424. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  425. - ad_html.module
  426. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  427. - ad_text.module
  428. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  429. - ad_owners.module
  430. o make it possible to set default permissions
  431. o make it possible to set per-advertisement permissions
  432. - ad_weight_probability.module
  433. o update form_alter to work with Drupal 6
  434. -
  435. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  436. - ad_channel.module
  437. o port to Drupal 6
  438. - ad_cache_file.module
  439. o bug #383836: fix typo in adapi
  440. o fix PHP E_ALL notices
  441. -
  442. o REMOVED: module needs a major update, it is currently unusable
  443. February 24th, 2009
  444. - ad_report.module
  445. o complete porting to 6.x, fixup paths
  446. February 23rd, 2009
  447. - ad_report.module
  448. o porting to 6.x
  449. February 23rd, 2009 (branched 6.x-2.x)
  450. - imported changes from 5.x-2.x-dev branch
  451. February 17th, 2009 (1.1)
  452. - ad.module
  453. o bug #375742: support manual IFrame configuration
  454. o feature #298608: return ad_link_attributes as array so ad_display_TYPE
  455. functions can call l() rather than custom building links
  456. -
  457. o feature #346454: replace "views" with "impressions"
  458. - ad.install
  459. o feature #298608: flush all caches for new ad display functions
  460. -
  461. o bug #375765: do not auto-expire ads unless configured to auto-expire
  462. o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing views files
  463. - ad_external.module
  464. o feature #298608: display external ad with themeable function
  465. - ad_html.module
  466. o feature #298608: display html ad with themeable function
  467. - ad_image.module
  468. o feature #298608: display image ad with themeable function
  469. - ad_text.module
  470. o feature #298608: display text ad with themeable function
  471. February 16th, 2009
  472. - ad_text.module
  473. o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing
  474. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  475. - ad_image.module
  476. o bug #375377: remove references to no longer existing
  477. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  478. - ad.module
  479. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance (new patch by Webchick)
  480. o bug #375474: don't automatically set autoactive/autoexpire date
  481. -
  482. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  483. - ad_owners.module
  484. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  485. - ad_embed.module
  486. o bug #294035: fixup ad_embed module to work with Drupal 6
  487. - ad.install
  488. o bug #294035: rebuild menu so ad_embed settings page is visible
  489. February 16th, 2009 (1.0)
  490. -
  491. o bug #374044: when editing group, don't display "create group" button
  492. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  493. - ad.module
  494. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  495. -
  496. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  497. -
  498. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  499. -
  500. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  501. - ad_cache_file.module
  502. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  503. -
  504. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  505. - ad_cache_memcache.module
  506. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  507. - ad_embed.module
  508. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  509. - ad_remote.module
  510. o bug #375221: generate valid HTML snippet
  511. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  512. - ad_external.module
  513. o bug #375221: generate valid HTML snippet
  514. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  515. - ad_image.module
  516. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  517. - ad_text.module
  518. o bug #375241: allow ad owners to change ad status
  519. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  520. - ad_html.module
  521. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  522. - ad_remote.module
  523. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  524. - ad_report.module
  525. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  526. - ad_owners.module
  527. o bug #375244: automatically make ad creator an ad owner with default perms
  528. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  529. - click_filter.install
  530. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  531. - click_filter.module
  532. o bug #375270: cleanup code for E_ALL compliance
  533. February 12th, 2009 (1.0-rc2)
  534. -
  535. o bug #294044: module dependent on ad_owners module
  536. - ad.module
  537. o bug #304326: fix permissions so user can view click details
  538. -
  539. o feature #304326: display username in overview and details
  540. -
  541. o bug #294040: order of ad_memcache_set() parameters was swapped
  542. February 11th, 2009
  543. - ad_text.module
  544. o feature #373016: don't require destination URL, cleanup help text
  545. o bug #373065: cleanup URL on ad node page
  546. o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
  547. - ad_image.module
  548. o feature #373016: cleanup help text for destination URL
  549. o bug #373065: cleanup URL on ad node page
  550. o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
  551. - ad_html.module
  552. o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
  553. - ad_external.module
  554. o bug #373046: allow roles with 'create advertisements' to create ads
  555. - ad_text.install
  556. o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove text ads
  557. - ad_image.install
  558. o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove image ads
  559. - ad_html.install
  560. o bug #373057: uninstall fails to remove html ads
  561. -
  562. o bug #373065: do not add trailing slash if there is no hostid
  563. -
  564. o bug #373065: generate proper redirect link
  565. February 11th, 2009 (1.0-rc1)
  566. SA-CONTRIB-2009-007:
  567. February 10th, 2009
  568. - ad_notify.module
  569. o bug #360432: don't display error if no notifications have been created
  570. -
  571. o bug #372211: fix multi-delete of advertisements via admin interface
  572. -
  573. o bug #277286: document how to set DRUPAL_ROOT for Windows servers, get
  574. path directly from DURPAL_ROOT if set
  575. February 9th, 2009
  576. - ad.module
  577. o bug #369327: allow creation of advertisements
  578. -
  579. o bug #370194: properly format dependencies
  580. -
  581. o properly format dependencies
  582. December 18th, 2008
  583. - ad.module
  584. o generate click history in a function
  585. o remove administrative statistics page (replaced by configurable reports)
  586. - ad_report.module
  587. o display click history along with other report data
  588. o provide administrative reports, with downloadable CSV's
  589. o put year first in path for reports, to avoid issue with # of digits
  590. o default all reports to current month
  591. - ad_report.install
  592. o flush cache_menu to register new administrative paths
  593. December 17th, 2008
  594. - ad.install
  595. o introduce 'extra' field in 'ad_statistics' and 'ad_clicks' tables
  596. - ad.module
  597. o store 'extra' data when advertisements are clicked
  598. -
  599. o support 'hook_increment_extra' allowing add-ons to add granularity
  600. o modify click URL to include 'extra' field
  601. o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
  602. -
  603. o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
  604. - ad_cache_file.module
  605. o support 'hook_increment_extra' allowing add-ons to add granularity
  606. o store 'extra' field when incrementing counters
  607. - ad_channel.module
  608. o declare _increment_extra hook
  609. -
  610. o track which channels displayed advertisements were selected from
  611. o implement _increment_extra hook to track per-channel granularity
  612. December 16th, 2008
  613. - ad_report.module
  614. o prevent division by zero when generating reports
  615. December 12th, 2008
  616. - ad_report.module
  617. o feature #333040: make report range configurable (optionally enable the
  618. jstools jscalendar module for popup calendar selection)
  619. o feature #333040: provide per-group table breakdown of ad statistics
  620. December 11th, 2008
  621. - ad.module
  622. o provide new granular status permissions with logical workflow:
  623. set status as pending, set status as denied,
  624. set status from pending to approved, set status from pending to denied,
  625. set status from approved to active, set status from approved to offline,
  626. set status from active to offline, set status from active to expired,
  627. set status from offline to active, set status from offline to expired
  628. o remove 'unpublished' adstatus, an uppublished node is now an 'expired' ad
  629. o flush the cache when admin modifies ad status in bulk operation
  630. o when editing ad, only display ad status options have perms to control
  631. o feature #167042: provide access to statistics and clicks by default if
  632. the ad_permission module is not enabled
  633. - ad_image.module
  634. o rename 'manage active ad' to 'manage active image'
  635. o grant permission to new ad owners by default
  636. - ad_text.module
  637. o grant 'manage ad text' permission to new ad owners by default
  638. - ad_html.module
  639. o grant 'manage ad html' permission to new ad owners by default
  640. - ad_notify.module
  641. o grant 'manage own notifications' permission to new ad owners by default
  642. o grant 'edit notification email' permission to new ad owners by default
  643. - ad_permission.module
  644. o allow control of per-ad type default permissions
  645. - ad_permission.install
  646. o use CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS correctly (was resulting in an error)
  647. o update old permission names to new permission names ('manage status'
  648. gets changed to the default status permissions for that ad type.)
  649. December 10th, 2008
  650. - ad_remote.module
  651. o add javascript for recording remote url on which remote ads are served
  652. - ad.module
  653. o use single quotes when displaying javascript, so we can display it within
  654. other javascript (for ad_remote)
  655. o provide option to display ad url without any
  656. o provide mechanism for flushing cache
  657. o automatically flush cache when ads are updated
  658. -
  659. o make best effort attempt at setting a proper remote url when serving
  660. ads with the ad_remote module
  661. - ad_channel.module
  662. o provide configuration option for how to treat ads not in a channel
  663. o flush cache when channel information changes
  664. -
  665. o respect configuration option for ads not in a channel
  666. - ad_cache_file.module
  667. o ad module now auto-flushes cache when ad is updated
  668. - ad_weight_probability.module
  669. o flush cache when weight changes
  670. December 9th, 2008
  671. - ad.module
  672. o replace call to old ad_owners_add() with new ad_permission_owners_add()
  673. - ad_permission.install
  674. o only create tables if not already existing (on upgrades, these tables
  675. were already created by the core ad module)
  676. -
  677. o ad_remote now dependent on new ad_permission module
  678. - ad_remote.module
  679. o replace call to ad_host_id_create() with new ad_permission_create_hostid()
  680. December 8th, 2008
  681. - ad_permission.install
  682. o fix namespace collision
  683. - ad_permission.module
  684. o for consistency, don't change title as updating permissisons
  685. - adserve.php
  686. o define debug error handler
  687. o when debugging display all warnings except for misleading header and
  688. session warnings caused by debugging
  689. -
  690. o fix strict PHP warnings
  691. -
  692. o fix strict PHP warnings
  693. -
  694. o fix strict PHP warnings
  695. December 7th, 2008
  696. - ad.install
  697. o move permissions schema into ad_permission module
  698. - ad.module
  699. o move permissions logic into ad_permission module
  700. - ad_html.module
  701. o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
  702. - ad_image.module
  703. o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
  704. - ad_text.module
  705. o replace call to ad_adaccess() with call to ad_permission()
  706. - ad_permission.module
  707. o provide granular permissions for advertisements
  708. December 6th, 2008
  709. -
  710. o introduce hook_weight
  711. - ad_cache_file.module
  712. o introduce hook_weight
  713. -
  714. o allow the display of more than one premiere advertisement
  715. - ad_channel.module
  716. o support 'configure ad premiere status' permission
  717. Feature #139928:
  718. - ad_weight_probability.module
  719. o support weighting the probability that a given ad will be displayed
  720. December 5th, 2008
  721. - serve.php
  722. o include new file
  723. -
  724. o divide ad serving functions into hooks
  725. o move display functionality into to standardize caching
  726. o rework hook functionality
  727. o fix debug output to include and
  728. -
  729. o standardize caching and debugging code
  730. -
  731. o simplify by utilizing functions provided in
  732. o properly track views and clicks with group-level granularity
  733. - ad_cache_file.module
  734. o properly track views and clicks with group-level granularity
  735. -
  736. o utilize functions provided by
  737. o add support for premiere advertisements
  738. - ad_channel.module
  739. o cleanup wording and fieldsets
  740. o fix group validation when no groups are selected
  741. o add support for premiere advertisements
  742. - ad_channel.install
  743. o add support for premiere advertisements
  744. November 28th, 2008
  745. Feature #337505:
  746. - ad.module
  747. o track URL where serving advertisements
  748. -
  749. o introduce adserve_filter hook
  750. -
  751. o introduce adserve_filter hook
  752. o convert include_hook_init, include_hook_select to hook_init, hook_select
  753. - ad_cache_file.module
  754. o support multiple hook_init, hook_filter, and hook_select hooks
  755. - ad_channel.module
  756. o add cache support
  757. -
  758. o implement cache support
  759. November 27th, 2008
  760. Feature #337505:
  761. - ad_channel.module
  762. o implement ability to assign ads to channels
  763. November 21st, 2008
  764. Feature #337505:
  765. - ad_channel.module
  766. o implement creation, editing and deletion of channels
  767. o implement creation, editing and deletion of containers
  768. o implement channel overview page
  769. November 20th, 2008
  770. Feature #337505:
  771. - ad_channel.module
  772. o draft administrative pages for ad channels.
  773. o administrative interface for creating channels
  774. o administrative interface for creating channel containers
  775. - ad_channel.install
  776. o define ad_channel schema
  777. November 19th, 2008
  778. - ad.module
  779. o bug #329475: remove translations on internal status names
  780. - ad_text.module
  781. o bug #335466: fix unclosed div
  782. - ad.install
  783. o bug #330173: fix infinite loop when uninstalling the ad module
  784. - click_filter.module
  785. o bug #294037: remove calls to db_num_rows
  786. (patch thanks to James Glasgow, aka jrglasgow)
  787. - ad_report.module
  788. o bug #330104: port module to Drupal 6
  789. (patch by Mehmet Alkanlar, aka mehmeta)
  790. October 30th 2008
  791. - ad.module
  792. o bug #294029: Display theme, properly redirect
  793. - click_filter.module
  794. o bug #294037
  795. August 11th 2008
  796. Branched 6.x from 5.x-1.6