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11 calls to ad_adaccess() in Advertisement 6

ad_form in ./ad.module
Implementation of hook_form().
ad_html_node_form in html/ad_html.module
Adapi helper function for displaying a node form.
ad_image_adapi in image/ad_image.module
Implementation of hook_adapi().
ad_notify_confirm_delete_validate in notify/ad_notify.module
Validate that the selected notification can be deleted.
ad_notify_overview_form in notify/ad_notify.module
Notification overview form.
ad_notify_overview_form_validate in notify/ad_notify.module
Validate ad notifications before saving to database.
ad_owners_access in owners/ad_owners.module
Menu item access callback.
ad_report_access in report/ad_report.module
Implementation of access callback.
ad_text_adapi in text/ad_text.module
Implementation of hook_adapi().
ad_text_node_form in text/ad_text.module
Adapi helper function for displaying a node form.
theme_node_ad in ./
@file Advertisement nodes pages and forms.