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9 calls to _ad_get_vid() in Advertisement 5

ad_admin_groups_list in ./ad.module
ad_admin_group_form in ./ad.module
Returns a form for adding an ad group.
ad_filters in ./ad.module
List ad administration filters that can be applied.
ad_form_alter in ./ad.module
Drupal _form_alter() hook.
ad_groups_list in ./ad.module
Return an array of all groups, or a specific group.
ad_remote_form in remote/ad_remote.module
A simple page providing source snippets for displaying ads on remote websites.
ad_update_4 in ./ad.install
Move ad groups from custom tables into taxonomy tables.
_ad_check_install in ./ad.module
_ad_get_group in ./ad.module
Retrieve the group name from the nid.