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commentactivity.module in Activity 5.4


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 * Activity definition file
 * This defines what hooks activity module should use
function commentactivity_activity_info() {
  return array(
    'ops' => array(
      'insert' => t('Insert'),
      'update' => t('Update'),
      'delete' => t('Delete'),
      'publish' => t('Publish'),
      'unpublish' => t('Unpublish'),
    'types' => array(
      'comment' => t('Comment'),
    'roles' => array(
      'author' => array(
        '#name' => t('Author'),
        '#description' => t('The person who created the comment.'),
        '#default' => '[author] left the comment [comment-link] on the [parent-node-type] [parent-node-link]',
      'parent_node_author' => array(
        '#name' => t('Parent node author'),
        '#description' => t('The person who created the node.'),
        '#default' => '[author] commented on the [parent-node-type] [parent-node-link] saying [comment-link]',
      'parent_comment_author' => array(
        '#name' => t('Parent comment author'),
        '#description' => t('The person who wrote the parent comment.'),
        '#default' => '[author] replied to your comment [parent-comment-subject] saying [comment-link]',
      // This is what corresponds to ACTIVITY_ALL
      'all' => array(
        '#name' => t('All'),
        '#description' => t('The general public.'),
        '#default' => '[author-all] commented on the [parent-node-type] [parent-node-link] saying [comment-link]',

 * Implementation of hook_activityapi().
function commentactivity_activityapi(&$activity, $op) {
  if ($op == 'load') {
    if ($activity['data']['module'] == 'commentactivity' && !node_access('view', node_load($activity['data']['parent-node-id']))) {
      $activity = array();

 * Token module integration. Defines available default tokens.
function commentactivity_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'commentactivity') {
    $tokens['commentactivity'] = array(
      'comment-cid' => t('The Id of the comment'),
      'comment-subject' => t('The subject of the comment'),
      'comment-link' => t('Link to the comment'),
      'parent-node-author-uid' => t('User Id of the person who authored the parent node'),
      'parent-node-author' => t('Person who authored the parent node'),
      'parent-node-author-name' => t('The username of the person who authored the parent node'),
      'parent-node-id' => t('The Id of the parent node'),
      'parent-node-title' => t('Title of the parent node'),
      'parent-node-link' => t('Link to the parent node'),
      'parent-node-type' => t('The type of the parent node'),
      'parent-comment-author-uid' => t('User Id of the person who authored the parent comment'),
      'parent-comment-author' => t('Person who authored the parent comment'),
      'parent-comment-author-name' => t('The username of the person who authored the parent comment'),
      'parent-comment-cid' => t('The Id of the parent comment'),
      'parent-comment-subject' => t('The subject of the parent comment'),
      'parent-comment-link' => t('Link to the parent comment'),
    return $tokens;

 * Token module integration. Defines available default token values.
function commentactivity_token_values($type, $data = NULL, $options = array()) {
  static $authors;
  if ($type == 'commentactivity' && !empty($data)) {
    if (!isset($authors[$data['parent-node-author-uid']])) {
      $authors[$data['parent-node-author-uid']] = activity_user_load($data['parent-node-author-uid']);
    $parent_node_author = $authors[$data['parent-node-author-uid']];
    if (isset($data['parent-comment-author-uid'])) {
      if (!isset($authors[$data['parent-comment-author-uid']])) {
        $authors[$data['parent-comment-author-uid']] = activity_user_load($data['parent-comment-author-uid']);
      $parent_comment_author = $authors[$data['parent-comment-author-uid']];
    $data['comment-link'] = l($data['comment-subject'], 'node/' . $data['parent-node-id'], array(), NULL, 'comment-' . $data['comment-cid']);
    $data['parent-node-author'] = theme('activity_username', $parent_node_author, TRUE);
    $data['parent-node-author-name'] = $parent_node_author->name;
    $data['parent-node-type'] = theme('activity_node_type', $data['parent-node-type']);
    $data['parent-node-link'] = l($data['parent-node-title'], 'node/' . $data['parent-node-id']);
    if ($parent_comment_author) {
      $data['parent-comment-author'] = theme('activity_username', $parent_comment_author, TRUE);
      $data['parent-comment-author-name'] = $parent_comment_author->name;
      $data['parent-comment-link'] = l($data['parent-comment-subject'], 'node/' . $data['parent-node-id'], array(), NULL, 'comment-' . $data['parent-comment-cid']);
    return $data;

 * Implementation of hook_comment().
function commentactivity_comment($comment, $op) {
  switch ($op) {

    // $comment is array for insert/update, is object for delete
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':
      if ($comment['status'] == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED) {
    case 'delete':
      if ($comment->status == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED) {
    case 'publish':
    case 'unpublish':

      // Check if both type and operation are
      // enabled for activity. If not then stop here
      if (!in_array('comment', variable_get('commentactivity_token_types', array(
      )), TRUE) || !in_array($op, variable_get('commentactivity_op_types', array(
      )), TRUE)) {
        return FALSE;

      // cast $comment to array
      $comment = (array) $comment;

      // Privacy setting check
      $user = user_load(array(
        'uid' => $comment['uid'],
      if (activity_user_privacy_optout($user)) {
        return FALSE;
      $node = node_load($comment['nid']);

      // If using comment threading
      if ($comment['pid']) {
        if ($parent_comment_author_uid = db_result(db_query("SELECT uid FROM {comments} WHERE cid = %d", $comment['pid']))) {
          $parent_comment_author = activity_user_load($parent_comment_author_uid);
          $parent_comment = db_result(db_query("SELECT subject FROM {comments} WHERE cid = %d", $comment['pid']));
      $data = array(
        'comment-cid' => $comment['cid'],
        'comment-subject' => $comment['subject'],
        'parent-node-author-uid' => $node->uid,
        'parent-node-id' => $node->nid,
        'parent-node-title' => $node->title,
        'parent-node-type' => $node->type,
      $target_users_roles = array();

      // The order in which elements are added to $target_users_roles is
      // important. Since several of the roles can be the same person
      // eg. a person comments on their own node or replies to their own
      // comment, they may overwrite each other in the array.
      // This is fine as long as the most important role wins...
      if (is_object($parent_comment_author)) {
        $data['parent-comment-cid'] = $parent_comment->cid;
        $data['parent-comment-subject'] = $parent_comment->subject;
        $data['parent-comment-author-uid'] = $parent_comment_author_uid;
        $target_users_roles[$parent_comment_author_uid] = 'parent_comment_author';
      $target_users_roles = array(
        ACTIVITY_ALL => 'all',
        $node->uid => 'parent_node_author',
        // and the most important role is 'author' so we add it last.
        $comment['uid'] => 'author',
      activity_insert($comment['uid'], 'commentactivity', 'comment', $op, $data, $target_users_roles);


Namesort descending Description
commentactivity_activityapi Implementation of hook_activityapi().
commentactivity_activity_info Activity definition file
commentactivity_comment Implementation of hook_comment().
commentactivity_token_list Token module integration. Defines available default tokens.
commentactivity_token_values Token module integration. Defines available default token values.