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protected function AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage::getOrphanedItems in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Event/AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage.php \Drupal\acsf\Event\AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage::getOrphanedItems()

Gets a list of orphaned comment IDs.

'orphaned' means having an invalid user, commented entity, or parent comment. "Commented entity" is only checked for nodes (not other entity types).


int $limit: (optional) Maximum number of comment IDs to fetch in one go.

int $already_processed_min_id: (optional) If specified and >0, only fetch IDs lower than this. 0 is interpreted as "no action is necessary".

Return value

array An indexed array indexed by the relevant comment IDs, with a value of 1 if the user and commented entity are valid (so only the parent comment is wrong), and 0 otherwise.

1 call to AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage::getOrphanedItems()
AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage::deleteOrphanedItems in src/Event/AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage.php
Deletes orphaned comments without having to load the full entities first.


src/Event/AcsfDuplicationScrubCommentStorage.php, line 144


Comment storage class (using a SQL backend) which ignores load failures.




protected function getOrphanedItems($limit = 0, $already_processed_min_id = -1) {
  if ($already_processed_min_id == 0) {
    return [];
  $where = "u.uid IS NULL OR (n.nid IS NULL and c.entity_type = 'node')\n      OR (pc.cid IS NULL AND > 0)";
  $args = [];
  if ($already_processed_min_id > 0) {
    $where = "({$where}) AND c.cid < :processed";
    $args[':processed'] = $already_processed_min_id;
  $query = "SELECT c.cid, CASE WHEN u.uid IS NULL OR (n.nid IS NULL and c.entity_type = 'node') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS validref\n      FROM {comment_field_data} c\n      LEFT JOIN {users} u ON c.uid = u.uid\n      LEFT JOIN {node} n ON c.entity_id = n.nid\n      LEFT JOIN {comment} pc ON = pc.cid\n      WHERE {$where} ORDER BY c.cid DESC";
  $statement = $limit ? $this->database
    ->queryRange($query, 0, $limit, $args) : $this->database
    ->query($query, $args);
  return $statement