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public function AcsfCommands::siteScrub in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

Scrubs sensitive information regarding ACSF.

Note that 'scrubbing' in our case doesn't mean just clearing configuration values but also initializing them for use in a new website.

drush acsf-site-scrub is called by a 'db-copy' hosting task, which in turn seems to be called by the staging process.

@command acsf-site-scrub


src/Commands/AcsfCommands.php, line 107


Provides drush commands for site related operations.




public function siteScrub() {

  // Flushing all caches to prevent errors like "entity type does not exist".
    ->writeln(dt('Flushing all caches ... '));
    ->writeln(dt('Caches flushed.'));
  $connection = \Drupal::database();

  // Ensure that we are testing the scrub cleanly.
    ->writeln(dt('Preparing to scrub users ... '));

  // Get a list of roles whose users should be preserved during staging
  // scrubbing.  Both lists are implemented as "alters" for consistency with
  // hook_acsf_duplication_scrub_preserved_users_alter.
  $preserved_roles = [];
    ->alter('acsf_staging_scrub_admin_roles', $preserved_roles);
  if (!empty($preserved_roles)) {
      ->writeln(dt('Preserving roles: @rids', [
      '@rids' => implode(', ', $preserved_roles),

  // Get a list of UIDs to preserve during staging scrubbing. UIDs are first
  // obtained by the preserved roles, then can be altered to add or remove
  // UIDs.
  if (!empty($preserved_roles)) {
    $preserved_users = \Drupal::entityQuery('user')
      ->condition('roles', $preserved_roles, 'IN')
  else {
    $preserved_users = [];
    ->alter('acsf_staging_scrub_preserved_users', $preserved_users);

  // Always preserve the anonymous user.
  $preserved_users[] = 0;
  $preserved_users = array_unique($preserved_users);

  // The anonymous user makes the size of this array always at least 1.
    ->writeln(dt('Preserving users: @uids', [
    '@uids' => implode(', ', $preserved_users),

  // Avoid collisions between the Factory and site users when scrubbing.
    ->expression('mail', "CONCAT('user', uid, '@', MD5(mail), '')")
    ->expression('init', "CONCAT('user', uid, '@', MD5(init), '')")
    ->condition('uid', $preserved_users, 'NOT IN')

  // Reset the cron key.
    ->set('system.cron_key', md5(mt_rand()));

  // Reset the drupal private key.

  // Reset the local site data and run acsf-site-sync to fetch factory data
  // about the site.
  $site = AcsfSite::load();
    ->success(dt('Executed acsf-site-sync to gather site data from factory and reset all acsf variables.'));

  // Trigger a rebuild of router paths (formerly 'menu paths').

  // Clear sessions and log tables that might have stale data, and whose
  // implementing classes have no dedicated 'clear()' or equivalent mechanism.
  $truncate_tables = [
  foreach ($truncate_tables as $table) {
    if ($connection
      ->tableExists($table)) {

  // Clear caches and key-value store.
  $bins = [
  foreach ($bins as $bin) {
    if (\Drupal::hasService("cache.{$bin}")) {
  $bins = [
  foreach ($bins as $bin) {

  // Raise the database connection wait timeout (default 10 minutes) so mysql
  // will not have "gone away" after the separate sql-sanitize process ends.
    ->query('SET session wait_timeout=3600');

  // Run the sql-sanitize which allows customers to use custom scrubbing. We
  // will handle email addresses and passwords ourselves.
  $selfRecord = $this
  $process = Drush::drush($selfRecord, 'sql-sanitize', [], [
    'sanitize-email' => 'no',
    'sanitize-password' => 'no',
  $exit_code = $process

  // Mark this database as scrubbed regardless of sql-sanitize success, for
  // backward compatibility with earlier (8.x-2.x) versions.
    ->set('acsf_site_scrubbed', 'scrubbed');
  if ($exit_code !== 0) {

    // Throw an exception with details about the failed sql-sanitize process.
    throw new ProcessFailedException($process);