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6 calls to gardens_site_data_get_filepath() in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

000-acquia_required_scrub.php in acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/post-db-copy/000-acquia_required_scrub.php
Scrubs a site after its database has been copied.
acsf.settings.php in acsf_init/lib/sites/default/acsf.settings.php
ACSF business logic to catch mistyped domains arriving to the infrastructure.
gardens_site_data_load_file in acsf_init/lib/sites/g/
Returns the sites data structure.
gardens_site_data_refresh_domains in acsf_init/lib/sites/g/
Returns data for the specified domains directly from the JSON file.
gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get in acsf_init/lib/sites/g/
Re-checks for a fatal issue with the sites.json file.
sites.php in acsf_init/lib/sites/sites.php
Drupal multi-site configuration file for sites on Acquia Cloud Site Factory.