in Acquia Search Multiple Indexes 8
Contains code specific to the Search API Solr Search module.
src/Plugin/search_api/backend/acquia_search_multi_subs.searchapisolr.incView source
* @file
* Contains code specific to the Search API Solr Search module.
* Initializes this module's Apache Solr Search Integration module support.
* Changes the Acquia Search environment on the fly based on the
* AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT and AH_SITE_NAME server variables.
* This will be called on every page request if the "search_api_acquia" module
* is installed.
* @see acquia_search_multi_subs_init()
function acquia_search_multi_subs_searchapi_init() {
// Get information from environment.
$acquia_identifier = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_identifier');
$ah_site_environment = isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']) ? $_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'] : '';
$ah_site_name = isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME']) ? $_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'] : '';
$ah_region = isset($_ENV['AH_CURRENT_REGION']) ? $_ENV['AH_CURRENT_REGION'] : '';
$sites_foldername = substr(conf_path(), strrpos(conf_path(), '/') + 1);
$subscription_expected_search_cores = acquia_search_multi_subs_get_expected_search_cores($acquia_identifier, $ah_site_environment, $ah_site_name, $sites_foldername);
// Get the search cores available in the subscription.
$available_search_cores = acquia_search_multi_subs_get_search_cores();
// Load the Search API servers to check. Only load servers using the
// acquia_search_service class.
$servers = search_api_server_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
'class' => 'acquia_search_service',
foreach ($servers as $server) {
// Load defaults.
$options = $server->options;
$options += array(
'acquia_override_subscription' => array(),
$options['acquia_override_subscription'] += acquia_search_multi_subs_default_configuration();
// Get some variables
$environment_core_name = $options['acquia_override_subscription']['acquia_override_subscription_corename'];
$acquia_override_auto_switch = $options['acquia_override_subscription']['acquia_override_auto_switch'];
$acquia_override_selector = $options['acquia_override_subscription']['acquia_override_selector'];
$acquia_override_failover = $options['acquia_override_subscription']['acquia_override_failover'];
// If auto switch is enabled, search thru all the subscription's search cores
// to find best match.
if ($acquia_override_auto_switch) {
$expected_core_names = $subscription_expected_search_cores;
else {
// If auto switch is disabled, only try to match the specified core.
if ($acquia_override_selector == 'other') {
$expected_core_names = array(
elseif ($acquia_override_selector == 'default') {
$expected_core_names = array(
else {
$expected_core_names = array(
// Remove available cores from other regions if multiregion is enabled.
if ($acquia_override_failover) {
foreach ($available_search_cores as $core_id => $available_search_core) {
$expected_search_core_region = str_replace('-', '', $ah_region);
$matches = array();
preg_match("/^([^-]*)/", $available_search_core['balancer'], $matches);
$search_core_region = reset($matches);
if ($search_core_region != $expected_search_core_region) {
else {
// if not enabled, remove all failover indexes from being a possible candidate
foreach ($subscription_expected_search_cores as $search_core_id => $search_core) {
if (strstr($search_core, 'failover')) {
$match_found = false;
foreach ($expected_core_names as $expected_core_name) {
// This allows us to break from the 2-level deep foreach.
if ($match_found) {
// Loop over all the available search cores.
foreach ($available_search_cores as $available_search_core) {
if (strtolower($available_search_core['core_id']) == strtolower($expected_core_name)) {
// If the core is already the same, don't do anything.
if (strtolower($available_search_core['core_id']) != strtolower($environment_core_name)) {
acquia_search_multi_subs_searchapi_set_default_core($server, $available_search_core);
watchdog('acquia_search_multi_subs', 'Switched Search API solr server "@server_name" from core @old_core_id to @new_core_id', array(
'@server_name' => $server->name,
'@old_core_id' => $environment_core_name,
'@new_core_id' => $available_search_core['core_id'],
$match_found = true;
* Sets our default search core for the acquia index.
* @param SearchApiServer $server
* Search API Server object we are modifying.
* @param $search_core
* The search core data array from the connector subscription data.
function acquia_search_multi_subs_searchapi_set_default_core(SearchApiServer &$server, $search_core) {
$server->options['acquia_override_subscription']['acquia_override_subscription_corename'] = $search_core['core_id'];
// Get the derived key salt from the subscription.
$subscription = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_subscription_data');
$derived_key_salt = $subscription['derived_key_salt'];
// Get the derived key salt from the subscription.
$key = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_key');
// Create our derived key.
$derived_key = _acquia_search_multi_subs_create_derived_key($derived_key_salt, $search_core['core_id'], $key);
$server->options['derived_key'] = $derived_key;
Name | Description |
acquia_search_multi_subs_searchapi_init | Initializes this module's Apache Solr Search Integration module support. |
acquia_search_multi_subs_searchapi_set_default_core | Sets our default search core for the acquia index. |