public function Debugger::writeTable in Acquia Purge 8
Write tabular data rendered as table to Drupal's debug output.
mixed[] $table: Associative array with each key being the row title, when the array key is an integer, the row will be fully used. Non-string data will be rendered using json_encode().
string $title: Optional title to render above the table content.
\LogicException Thrown when the debugger isn't enabled.
Overrides DebuggerInterface::writeTable
- src/
Plugin/ Purge/ Purger/ Debugger.php, line 257
- Debugger
- Provides a centralized debugger for Acquia purger plugins.
public function writeTable(array $table, $title = NULL) {
if (!$this->enabled) {
throw new \LogicException("Cannot call ::writeTable().");
if ($title) {
->writeTitle($title, TRUE, FALSE);
$longest_key = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($table)));
foreach ($table as $key => $value) {
$spacing = '';
// Determine how the left-side of the table looks like.
$left = '| ';
if (!is_int($key)) {
$spacing = str_repeat(' ', $longest_key - strlen($key));
$left = '| ' . $key . $spacing . ' | ';
// Treat all values as potential multiline and render accordingly.
if (!is_string($value)) {
$value = json_encode($value);
foreach (explode("\n", $value) as $line) {
->write($left . $line);
// Render empty columns on the left after rendering the key once.
if (!is_int($key)) {
$left = '| ' . str_repeat(' ', strlen($key)) . $spacing . ' | ';