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public static function FastlyBackend::validateConfiguration in Acquia Purge 8

Validate the configuration array given.


array $config: Associative array with arbitrary settings coming from: \Drupal\acquia_purge\AcquiaCloud\PlatformInfoInterface::getPlatformCdnConfiguration.

Return value

bool Boolean TRUE if the configuration array is valid. When returning FALSE the AcquiaPlatformCdnPurger will not load as a result and cache invalidation will be stopped until the configuration issue got fixed.

Overrides BackendInterface::validateConfiguration


src/AcquiaPlatformCdn/FastlyBackend.php, line 333


Provides a Fastly backend for the Platform CDN purger.




public static function validateConfiguration(array $config) {

  // Calls to ::validateConfiguration are made very early, and because of this
  // it would be too expensive to do any live validation of the given
  // token and service_id. Instead, we only verify that they look right and
  // let ::fastlyResponseData() make calls to ::setTemporaryRuntimeError()
  // so that cache invalidation gets suspended in case of bad API creds.
  if (!isset($config['service_id'], $config['token'])) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!(strlen($config['service_id']) && strlen($config['token']))) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;