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public function PlatformInfo::__construct in Acquia Purge 8

Constructs a PlatformInfo object.


\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request_stack: The request stack.

\Drupal\Core\Site\Settings $settings: Drupal site settings object.

\Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface $state: The state key value store.


src/AcquiaCloud/PlatformInfo.php, line 101


Provides an information object interfacing with the Acquia platform.




public function __construct(RequestStack $request_stack, Settings $settings, StateInterface $state) {

  // Generate the Drupal sitepath by querying the SitePath from this request.
  $this->sitePath = DrupalKernel::findSitePath($request_stack

  // Take the IP addresses from the 'reverse_proxies' setting.
  if (is_array($reverse_proxies = $settings
    ->get('reverse_proxies'))) {
    foreach ($reverse_proxies as $reverse_proxy) {
      if ($reverse_proxy && strpos($reverse_proxy, '.')) {
        $this->balancerAddresses[] = $reverse_proxy;

  // Call the AH_INFO_FUNCTION and take the keys 'sitename' and 'sitegroup'.
  $function = self::AH_INFO_FUNCTION;
  if (function_exists($function)) {

    // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
    if (is_array($info = $function())) {
      if (isset($info['environment'])) {
        if (is_string($info['environment']) && $info['environment']) {
          $this->siteEnvironment = $info['environment'];
      if (isset($info['sitename'])) {
        if (is_string($info['sitename']) && $info['sitename']) {
          $this->siteName = $info['sitename'];
      if (isset($info['sitegroup'])) {
        if (is_string($info['sitegroup']) && $info['sitegroup']) {
          $this->siteGroup = $info['sitegroup'];
  elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings'])) {
    $this->siteEnvironment = $GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings']['env'];
    $this->siteGroup = $GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings']['site'];
    $this->siteName = $this->siteGroup . '.' . $this->siteEnvironment;

  // Determine the authentication token is going to be, usually the site name.
  $this->balancerToken = $this->siteName;
  if (is_string($token = $settings
    ->get('acquia_purge_token'))) {
    if ($token) {
      $this->balancerToken = $token;

  // Retrieval of the Acquia Platform CDN configuration is implemented via
  // a *temporary* hybrid implementation. For as long as the Platform CDN
  // product is in beta, the configuration object can come via state, after
  // that it will come through platform settings (which takes priority).
  $cdn_asc = $settings
  $cdn_state = (array) $state
    ->get('acquia_purge.platform_cdn', []);
  if (isset($cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['vendor']) && isset($cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['configuration']) && strlen($cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['vendor']) && is_array($cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['configuration']) && count($cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['configuration'])) {
    $this->platformCdn['config'] = 'settings';
    $this->platformCdn['vendor'] = (string) $cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['vendor'];
    $this->platformCdn = array_merge($this->platformCdn, $cdn_asc['platform_cdn']['configuration']);
  elseif (isset($cdn_state['vendor']) && strlen($cdn_state['vendor']) && count($cdn_state) > 2) {
    $this->platformCdn = $cdn_state;
    $this->platformCdn['config'] = 'state';

  // Use the sitename and site path directory as site identifier.
  $this->siteIdentifier = Hash::siteIdentifier($this->siteName, $this->sitePath);

  // Test the gathered information to determine if this is/isn't Acquia Cloud.
  $this->isThisAcquiaCloud = is_array($this->balancerAddresses) && $this->balancerToken && $this->siteEnvironment && $this->siteIdentifier && $this->siteName && $this->siteGroup;