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public function PageContextTest::setUp in Acquia Lift Connector 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 tests/src/Unit/Service/Context/PageContextTest.php \Drupal\Tests\acquia_lift\Unit\Service\Context\PageContextTest::setUp()

Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp


tests/src/Unit/Service/Context/PageContextTest.php, line 100


PageContextTest Test.




public function setUp() {

  // Get config factory mock
  $this->configFactory = $this

  // Get settings mock
  $this->settings = $this

  // Get entity manager mock
  $this->entityTypeManager = $this

  // Get taxonomy term mock
  $this->taxonomyTermStorage = $this

  // Get request class mocks
  $this->requestStack = $this
  $this->request = $this
  $this->requestParameterBag = $this

  // Get route mocks
  $this->routeMatch = $this
  $this->route = $this

  // Get title resolver mock
  $this->titleResolver = $this

  // Get language mock
  $this->language = $this

  // Get language object mock
  $this->languageInterface = $this

  // Mock method and return val

  // Mock config factory

  // Mock settings credential method and return val

  // Mock settings field_mapping method and return val

  // Mock settings udf_person_mappings method and return val

  // Mock settings udf_touch_mappings method and return val

  // Mock settings udf_event_mappings method and return val

  // Mock settings advanced method and return val

  // Mock entity type manager getStorage method and return val

  // Mock request stack's getCurrentRequest method and return val

  // Set param bag
  $this->request->attributes = $this->requestParameterBag;

  // Mock routeMatch getRouteObject method and return val