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function AcquiaLiftWebTestTarget::testAudienceChanges in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2


tests/acquia_lift.test, line 2804
Integration tests for Acquia Lift module.




function testAudienceChanges() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'acquia_lift', 'acquia_lift.admin');

  // First, set up our agent, option set, audience and desired targeting
  // structure.
  $agent = $this
  $parent_option_set = $this
    ->createPersonalizedBlock(0, $agent, 3);

  // Keep the option ids in an array.
  $option_ids = array();
  foreach ($parent_option_set->options as $option) {
    $option_ids[] = $option['option_id'];
  $first_audience = personalize_generate_machine_name($this
    ->randomName(), NULL, '-');
    ->createTargetAudience($parent_option_set, $first_audience);
  $second_audience = personalize_generate_machine_name($this
    ->randomName(), NULL, '-');
    ->createTargetAudience($parent_option_set, $second_audience);
  $targeting = array(
    $first_audience => array(
    $second_audience => array(
  acquia_lift_save_targeting_structure($agent, $targeting);

  // Now implement the targeting structure..
  $os = acquia_lift_get_option_set_for_targeting($agent->machine_name);

  // There should be three audiences - the two we created plus the "everyone"
  // audience.
    ->assertEqual(3, count(array_keys($os->targeting)));

  // The first audience should have an osid but no option_id

  // The second audience should have an option_id but no osid

  // Now change the structure so that that the first audience no longer gets a
  // test and the second one gets a test.
  $targeting2 = array(
    $first_audience => array(
    $second_audience => array(
  acquia_lift_save_targeting_structure($agent, $targeting2);
  $os = acquia_lift_get_option_set_for_targeting($agent->machine_name);
    ->assertEqual(3, count(array_keys($os->targeting)));

  // The first audience's name should have been changed.
  $new_first_audience = $first_audience . '-2';

  // The new first audience should now have an option_id but no osid.
    ->assertEqual('option-1', $os->targeting[$new_first_audience]['option_id']);

  // The second audience's name should also have been changed.
  $new_second_audience = $second_audience . '-2';

  // The second audience should have an option_id but no osid

  // The original test that existed for the first audience should now exist
  // as a retired test.
  $retired = acquia_lift_get_retired_tests($agent->machine_name);
    ->assertEqual(1, count($retired));
    ->assertEqual($first_audience, $retired[0]->data['lift_audience']);

  // Now change the first audience to get a different fixed targeting option.
  // The audience name should stay the same.
  $targeting3 = array(
    $new_first_audience => array(
    $new_second_audience => array(
  acquia_lift_save_targeting_structure($agent, $targeting3);
  $os = acquia_lift_get_option_set_for_targeting($agent->machine_name);
    ->assertEqual(3, count(array_keys($os->targeting)));

  // The new first audience should now have an option_id but no osid.
    ->assertEqual('option-2', $os->targeting[$new_first_audience]['option_id']);

  // The second audience should be the same as before.