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protected function AcquiaLiftReport::extractTargetingReportData in Acquia Lift Connector 7

Extracts the required targeting report data from the items returned by Acquia Lift.


$items: An array of items as return from Acquia Lift.

Return value

array An associative array with feature codes as keys and associative arrays of info as values.

1 call to AcquiaLiftReport::extractTargetingReportData()
AcquiaLiftReport::loadReportData in plugins/agent_types/
Loads all of the data necessary to generate the reports for the agent.


plugins/agent_types/, line 2731
Provides an agent type for Acquia Lift


Responsible retrieving and generating reports on the Acquia Lift agent.


protected function extractTargetingReportData($items) {
  if (empty($items)) {
    return array();
  $data = array();
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $feature = $item['feature'];
    $favored_selection = 0;
    foreach ($item['choices'] as $i => $choice) {

      // Note: Choices are not in order of option.
      if ($choice['score'] > $item['choices'][$favored_selection]['score']) {
        $favored_selection = $i;
    $data[$feature] = array(
      'raw_label' => $item['label'],
      'label' => $item['labelText'],
      'favored_selection' => $item['choices'][$favored_selection]['label'],
      'percent_traffic' => $this
      'percent_traffic_graph' => $this
      'predicted_value' => $item['averageResponseValue'],
      'stability' => $this
      'stability_positive' => $item['stability'] > self::STABILITY_THRESHOLD,
      'stability_level' => $item['stabilityLevel'],
      'system' => strpos($item['label'], '[share-alt]') !== FALSE,
  return $data;