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public function FeatureContext::assertMenuItemInactive in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 behat-tests/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php \FeatureContext::assertMenuItemInactive()

@Given /^menu item "([^"]*)" should be "(active|inactive)"$/


behat-tests/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php, line 598


Defines application features from the specific context.


public function assertMenuItemInactive($link, $status) {
  $elements = $this
    ->findLinksInRegion($link, 'lift_tray');
  if (empty($elements)) {
    throw new \Exception(sprintf('The link element %s was not found on the page %s', $link, $this
  $found = FALSE;
  foreach ($elements as $element) {

     * This logis is not ideal.  It would be better to actually only check each
     * visible item and then report directly based on whether the item was
     * inactive or active, however, there is a selenium bug that is treating
     * both "Add variation set" links and "Add goal" links as invisible even
     * when one is shown on the screen.
    $found = TRUE;
    if ($element
      ->hasClass('acquia-lift-menu-disabled') || $element
      ->hasClass('acquia-lift-disabled')) {
      if ($status === 'inactive') {
        $found = TRUE;
    else {
      if ($status === 'active') {
        $found = TRUE;
  if (!$found) {
    throw new \Exception(sprintf('The link element %s was not %s on the page %s', $link, $status, $this