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function ALProfilesWebTest::testSegments in Acquia Lift Connector 7

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  1. 7.2 acquia_lift_profiles/tests/acquia_lift_profiles.test \ALProfilesWebTest::testSegments()

Tests that available segments are added to the page.


acquia_lift_profiles/tests/acquia_lift_profiles.test, line 205
Tests for Acquia Lift Profiles module.


Tests Acquia Lift Profiles functionality.


function testSegments() {

  // The dummy http client used during web tests has two segments set up that
  // will always be returned by a call to getSegments().
  $test_segments = array(

  // Test that the segments show up in the js settings.
  $settings = $this
    ->assertEqual($settings['acquia_lift_profiles']['available_segments'], $test_segments);