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function ALProfilesWebTest::testALProfilesJSSettings in Acquia Lift Connector 7

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  1. 7.2 acquia_lift_profiles/tests/acquia_lift_profiles.test \ALProfilesWebTest::testALProfilesJSSettings()


acquia_lift_profiles/tests/acquia_lift_profiles.test, line 66
Tests for Acquia Lift Profiles module.


Tests Acquia Lift Profiles functionality.


function testALProfilesJSSettings() {

  // Register as a new user, identity should not be captured.
  $user_name_1 = $this
  $password_1 = $this
  $new_user_fields = array(
    'name' => $user_name_1,
    'mail' => $user_name_1 . '',
    'pass[pass1]' => $password_1,
    'pass[pass2]' => $password_1,
    ->drupalPost('user/register', $new_user_fields, t('Create new account'));
  $settings = $this

  // Log out and log back in and there still shouldn't be any settings for
  // capturing identity.
    ->drupalPost('user/login', array(
    'name' => $user_name_1,
    'pass' => $password_1,
  ), t('Log in'));
  $settings = $this

  // Login as admin again and set the "capture identity" setting.
  $edit = array(
    'acquia_lift_profiles_identity[acquia_lift_profiles_capture_identity]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/content/personalize/acquia_lift_profiles', $edit, t('Save'));

  // Now log in as the first new user and check that we do have settings for
  // capturing identity.
    ->drupalPost('user/login', array(
    'name' => $user_name_1,
    'pass' => $password_1,
  ), t('Log in'));
  $settings = $this
  ), array_keys($settings['acquia_lift_profiles']['serverSideActions']));

  // Register as another new user, identity should now be captured.
  $user_name_2 = $this
  $password_2 = $this
  $new_user_fields = array(
    'name' => $user_name_2,
    'mail' => $user_name_2 . '',
    'pass[pass1]' => $password_2,
    'pass[pass2]' => $password_2,
    ->drupalPost('user/register', $new_user_fields, t('Create new account'));
  $settings = $this
  ), array_keys($settings['acquia_lift_profiles']['serverSideActions']));