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8 uses of ACQUIA_LIFT_DECISION_MULTIVARIATE in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2

AcquiaLiftTarget::errors in plugins/agent_types/
Implements PersonalizeAgentInterface::errors().
AcquiaLiftTarget::getMultipleOptionSetErrors in plugins/agent_types/
Determine the error messaging to show based on multiple variation set handling configuration for the current agent.
AcquiaLiftWebTestTarget::testMVTCreation in tests/acquia_lift.test
acquia_lift_implement_test_structure in ./
Implements the structure, including all sub-tests, required by the targeting.
acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_review_alter in ./
Alter hook for the review portion of the campaign wizard.
acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_targeting_alter in ./
Alter hook for the targeting portion of the campaign wizard.
acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_variations_alter in ./
Alter hook for the variations portions of the campaign wizard.
_acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_variation_displays in ./
Generates a multidimensional array of variation display labels based on the option sets and type of multiple variation set handling.