public function ContentHubEntitiesTracking::setExportedEntitiesForReindex in Acquia Content Hub 8
Sets all Exported Entities as Need Reindex.
string $entity_type_id: The Entity type.
string $bundle_id: The Entity bundle.
Return value
bool|\Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface|int|null The new Update Object if given a valid origin, FALSE otherwise.
- src/
ContentHubEntitiesTracking.php, line 929
- ContentHubEntitiesTracking
- Tracks in a table the list of all entities imported from Content Hub.
public function setExportedEntitiesForReindex($entity_type_id = '', $bundle_id = NULL) {
$origin = $this
if (Uuid::isValid($origin)) {
if (empty($bundle_id)) {
return $this->database
->condition('entity_type', $entity_type_id)
->condition('status_export', self::EXPORTED)
->condition('origin', $origin)
'status_export' => self::REINDEX,
else {
// Capture all tracked entities from a specific bundle stored in the
// tracking table to re-export later on.
$entity_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$base_table = $entity_type
$id_col = $entity_type
$bundle_col = $entity_type
$query = $this->database
->select(self::TABLE, 'a')
->fields('a', [
->addJoin('INNER', $base_table, 'b', "a.entity_id = b.{$id_col}");
->condition('a.entity_type', $entity_type_id)
->condition('a.status_export', self::EXPORTED)
->condition('a.origin', $origin)
->condition("b.{$bundle_col}", $bundle_id);
$entity_ids = $query
// If there are entities matching this condition, mark them for
// re-export after reindexation.
if (!empty($entity_ids)) {
return $this->database
->condition('entity_type', $entity_type_id)
->condition('status_export', self::EXPORTED)
->condition('entity_id', $entity_ids, 'IN')
->condition('origin', $origin)
'status_export' => self::REINDEX,
return FALSE;