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namespace Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Form in Acquia Content Hub 8

Same name in other branches
  1. 8.2 Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Form
Classsort descending Location Description
ContentHubExportQueueForm src/Form/ContentHubExportQueueForm.php Implements a form to Process items from the Content Hub Export Queue.
ContentHubImportQueueForm src/Form/ContentHubImportQueueForm.php Form for the Content Hub Import Queue.
ContentHubSettingsForm src/Form/ContentHubSettingsForm.php Defines the form to configure the Content Hub connection settings.
EntityConfigSettingsForm src/Form/EntityConfigSettingsForm.php Defines the form to configure the entity types and bundles to be exported.
EntityForm src/Form/EntityForm.php Defines a form that alters entity form to add a Content Hub form.
NodeTypePreviewImageForm src/Form/NodeTypePreviewImageForm.php Defines a form that alters node type form to add a preview image form.
ReExportEntitiesForm src/Form/ReExportEntitiesForm.php Defines the form to register the webhooks.
WebhooksSettingsForm src/Form/WebhooksSettingsForm.php Defines the form to register the webhooks.