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InvalidCertificatesRequirement.php in Acquia Content Hub 8


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namespace Drupal\acquia_contenthub_diagnostic\Plugin\ContentHubRequirement;

use Drupal\acquia_contenthub_diagnostic\ContentHubRequirementBase;

 * Defines a requirement to check for invalid certificates.
 * @ContentHubRequirement(
 *   id = "invalid_certificates",
 *   title = @Translation("Invalid certificates"),
 * )
class InvalidCertificatesRequirement extends ContentHubRequirementBase {

   * Verify SSL certificates.
   * Request to the HTTPS version of the site. If it fails at all or the
   * response status is not 200 then the requirement fails.
  public function verify() {
    $domain = $this
    try {
      $client = \Drupal::httpClient();
      $request = $client
      if ($request
        ->getStatusCode() != 200) {
        throw new \Exception($this
          ->t('Status 200 not returned.'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->t('Certificate cannot be validated'));
        ->t("Your site's homepage could not be reached over HTTPS. Verify your server configuration to ensure the site is reachable via HTTPS and uses valid SSL certificates. Error: @error", [
        '@error' => $e
    return REQUIREMENT_OK;



Namesort descending Description
InvalidCertificatesRequirement Defines a requirement to check for invalid certificates.