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AutoConnectorTest.php in Acquia Connector 3.x


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namespace Drupal\Tests\acquia_connector\Unit;

use Drupal\acquia_connector\AutoConnector;
use Drupal\acquia_connector\Helper\Storage;
use Drupal\acquia_connector\Subscription;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\acquia_connector\AutoConnector
 * @group Acquia connector
class AutoConnectorTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Tests the happy path.
   *  - when there is not current connection (stored credentials)
   *  - attempt to connect succeeds.
  public function testAutoConnect() {
    $subscription_mock = $this
    $storage_mock = $this
    $config = [
      'ah_network_identifier' => 'WXYZ-12345',
      'ah_network_key' => '12345678901234567890',
    $auto_connector = new AutoConnector($subscription_mock
      ->reveal(), $storage_mock
      ->reveal(), $config);
    $auto_connected = $auto_connector

   * Tests the scenario when the site is already connected to Acquia.
  public function testAutoConnectWhenAlreadyConnected() {
    $subscription_mock = $this
    $storage_mock = $this
    $config = [
      'ah_network_identifier' => 'WXYZ-12345',
      'ah_network_key' => '12345678901234567890',
    $auto_connector = new AutoConnector($subscription_mock
      ->reveal(), $storage_mock
      ->reveal(), $config);
    $auto_connected = $auto_connector

   * Tests auto connect.
   * Tests the scenario when the site is not connected but there are no
   * credentials provided by the global config.
  public function testAutoConnectWhenNoCredsInGlobalConfig() {
    $subscription_mock = $this
    $storage_mock = $this
    $config = [];
    $auto_connector = new AutoConnector($subscription_mock
      ->reveal(), $storage_mock
      ->reveal(), $config);
    $auto_connected = $auto_connector

