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README.txt in Acquia Connector 7.3

Acquia Connector modules

An Acquia subscription [1] enhances the Drupal experience by providing the
support and network services to operate a trouble-free Drupal website.
Acquia subscriptions let you gain access to remote network services,
documentation and the Acquia forums. Premium subscriptions provide web-based
support ticket management, as well as telephone support.

These modules allow you to connect any Drupal 7.x site to Acquia Insight.
Acquia also has a distribution of Drupal called Acquia Drupal which is
composed of purely open source GPL licensed components. If you are looking
for a quick start with Drupal, Acquia Drupal [2] might be of great use for you.
(Note that a few Acquia Subscription services, such as the update notification
and code modification detection services, currently only work with Acquia


Modules in this project

Acquia agent: Enables secure communication between your Drupal sites and
Acquia Insight to monitor uptime, check for updates, and collect site

Acquia Site profile: Automates the collection of site information -
operating system, database, webserver, and PHP versions, installed modules,
and site modifications - to speed support communication and issue resolution.

Acquia Search: Provides integration between your Drupal site and Acquia's
hosted search service. Requires Apache Solr Search Integration module.


Consult the online documentation at for installation

Notes on Acquia Search data protection and index auto-switching

Acquia Search module attempts to auto-detect your environment and automatically
connect to the best-fit Acquia Search index available. This is done to attempt
to protect your data in your production Solr instance; otherwise a development
site could easily overwrite or delete the data in your production index.

This functionality was previously available as a third-party module which will now become

Depending on the indexes already provisioned on your Acquia Subscription, the
module will follow these rules to connect to the proper index:

* If your site is running within Acquia Cloud, Acquia Search will connect to
  the index name that matches the current environment (dev/stage/prod) and
  current multi-site instance.
* If the module can't find an appropriate index above, it will then enforce
  READ-ONLY mode on the production Solr index. This allows you to still test
  searching from any site while protecting your production, user-facing index.

The current state is noted on the Drupal UI's general status report at
/admin/reports/status, as well as when attempting to edit each connection.

You can override this behavior using code snippets or a Drupal variable. This,
however, poses risks to your data that you should be aware of.  Please consult
our documentation at to
find out more.


These modules are maintained by developers at Acquia. For more information on
the company and our offerings, see


Contact Acquia Support if you have support questions regarding your site.

If you have issues with the submodules included in the Acquia Connector package,
you are also welcome to submit issues at (all submitted issues are public).


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  1. Acquia Connector modules
  2. ================================================================================
  3. An Acquia subscription [1] enhances the Drupal experience by providing the
  4. support and network services to operate a trouble-free Drupal website.
  5. Acquia subscriptions let you gain access to remote network services,
  6. documentation and the Acquia forums. Premium subscriptions provide web-based
  7. support ticket management, as well as telephone support.
  8. These modules allow you to connect any Drupal 7.x site to Acquia Insight.
  9. Acquia also has a distribution of Drupal called Acquia Drupal which is
  10. composed of purely open source GPL licensed components. If you are looking
  11. for a quick start with Drupal, Acquia Drupal [2] might be of great use for you.
  12. (Note that a few Acquia Subscription services, such as the update notification
  13. and code modification detection services, currently only work with Acquia
  14. Drupal.)
  15. [1]
  16. [2]
  17. Modules in this project
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. Acquia agent: Enables secure communication between your Drupal sites and
  20. Acquia Insight to monitor uptime, check for updates, and collect site
  21. information.
  22. Acquia Site profile: Automates the collection of site information -
  23. operating system, database, webserver, and PHP versions, installed modules,
  24. and site modifications - to speed support communication and issue resolution.
  25. Acquia Search: Provides integration between your Drupal site and Acquia's
  26. hosted search service. Requires Apache Solr Search Integration module.
  27. Installation
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Consult the online documentation at
  30. for installation
  31. instructions.
  32. Notes on Acquia Search data protection and index auto-switching
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. Acquia Search module attempts to auto-detect your environment and automatically
  35. connect to the best-fit Acquia Search index available. This is done to attempt
  36. to protect your data in your production Solr instance; otherwise a development
  37. site could easily overwrite or delete the data in your production index.
  38. This functionality was previously available as a third-party module
  39. which will now become
  40. deprecated.
  41. Depending on the indexes already provisioned on your Acquia Subscription, the
  42. module will follow these rules to connect to the proper index:
  43. * If your site is running within Acquia Cloud, Acquia Search will connect to
  44. the index name that matches the current environment (dev/stage/prod) and
  45. current multi-site instance.
  46. * If the module can't find an appropriate index above, it will then enforce
  47. READ-ONLY mode on the production Solr index. This allows you to still test
  48. searching from any site while protecting your production, user-facing index.
  49. The current state is noted on the Drupal UI's general status report at
  50. /admin/reports/status, as well as when attempting to edit each connection.
  51. You can override this behavior using code snippets or a Drupal variable. This,
  52. however, poses risks to your data that you should be aware of. Please consult
  53. our documentation at to
  54. find out more.
  55. Maintainers
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. These modules are maintained by developers at Acquia. For more information on
  58. the company and our offerings, see
  59. Issues
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. Contact Acquia Support if you have support questions regarding your site.
  62. If you have issues with the submodules included in the Acquia Connector package,
  63. you are also welcome to submit issues at
  64. (all submitted issues are public).