in Access Control Kit 7
Definition of access_handler_relationship_ack_entity_field.
views/access_handler_relationship_ack_entity_field.incView source
* @file
* Definition of access_handler_relationship_ack_entity_field.
* Relates an entity to access grants through a field.
* Definition items:
* - All definition items defined in views_handler_relationship.
* - scheme: The machine name of the access scheme to which the grants belong.
* - entity type: The type of entity to which we are relating access grants.
* - entity table: The name of the entity field table.
* - entity field: The column in the entity field table that contains the value.
* - realm table: The name of the realm field table.
* - realm field: The column in the realm field table that contains the value.
* @ingroup views_relationship_handlers
class access_handler_relationship_ack_entity_field extends views_handler_relationship {
* Overrides views_handler_relationship::query().
public function query() {
$def = $this->definition;
$def['table'] = 'access_grant';
// We use a subselect to get the grants table in order to filter by scheme.
// Thus, the entity base table is the left and the subselect is the right.
$def['left_table'] = $this->table_alias;
$def['left_field'] = $def['field'];
$def['field'] = 'entity_id';
$def['type'] = empty($this->options['required']) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
$query = db_select('access_grant', 'ag');
// Join the access grants table to the realm field table.
->addJoin($def['type'], $def['realm table'], 'rt', 'ag.gid = rt.entity_id');
// Join the realm field value to corresponding values in the entity field.
$realm_condition = 'rt.' . $def['realm field'] . ' = ' . 'et.' . $def['entity field'];
->addJoin($def['type'], $def['entity table'], 'et', $realm_condition);
// Only select grants from the designated access scheme.
->condition('ag.scheme', $def['scheme']);
// Make sure the realm field values apply to the selected grants.
->condition('rt.entity_type', 'access_grant');
->condition('rt.deleted', 0);
// Make sure the entity field values belong to the correct entity type.
->condition('et.entity_type', $def['entity type']);
->condition('et.deleted', 0);
// We need all values from the grant, plus the ID of the related entity
// obtained from the entity field table.
->fields('et', array(
$def['table formula'] = $query;
$join = new views_join();
$join->definition = $def;
$join->adjusted = TRUE;
// Use a short alias for the subselect; for example, "access_grant_node".
$alias = $def['table'] . '_' . $this->table;
$this->alias = $this->query
->add_relationship($alias, $join, 'access_grant', $this->relationship);
Name | Description |
access_handler_relationship_ack_entity_field | Relates an entity to access grants through a field. |