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public function AccessSchemeInterfaceTest::testSchemeRealmFieldsHidden in Access Control Kit 7

Confirm that realm fields are hidden from the scheme UI and Field UI.


./access.test, line 324
Tests for the access control kit module.


Tests the access scheme interface.


public function testSchemeRealmFieldsHidden() {

  // Confirm that we're starting clean.
    ->assertNoText(t('List (integer) field'), 'The list (integer) scheme type is not available.');

  // Create a user account scheme, which uses a list_integer realm field.
  $edit = array();
  $machine_name = drupal_strtolower($this
  $edit['machine_name'] = $machine_name;
  $edit['name'] = $this
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/access/add/user', $edit, t('Save access scheme and continue'));
    ->assertText(t('@name (Machine name: @machine_name)', array(
    '@name' => $edit['name'],
    '@machine_name' => $machine_name,
  )), 'Scheme found in the scheme admin overview listing.');

  // Confirm that realm fields cannot be deleted through the Field UI.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/access/' . $machine_name . '/fields/ack_' . $machine_name . '/delete');
    ->assertText(t('This field is locked and cannot be deleted.'), 'Realm fields are locked.');

  // Confirm that the presence of a scheme with a list_integer realm field
  // does not make the list_integer scheme type available.
    ->assertNoText(t('List (integer) field'), 'Realm fields are ignored when determining whether a list-based scheme can be created.');

  // Create a valid list_integer field and confirm that the scheme type does
  // become available.
  $field = array(
    'field_name' => 'field_valid_list',
    'type' => 'list_integer',
    ->assertText(t('List (integer) field'), 'List-based schemes become available when usable fields are present.');

  // Confirm that the scheme's realm field is hidden from the scheme UI.
    ->clickLink(t('List (integer) field'));
    ->assertNoRaw('ack_' . $machine_name, 'Realm fields are hidden when selecting the base field for a list-based scheme.');
    ->assertRaw($field['field_name'], 'Usable list fields are selectable on a list-based scheme.');

  // Confirm that realm fields are hidden from the Field UI.
  $scheme = $this
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/access/' . $scheme->machine_name . '/fields');
    ->assertNoRaw('ack_' . $machine_name, 'Realm fields are hidden from the Field UI.');