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public function AccessAPITest::testHandlerInterface in Access Control Kit 7

Attach a handler to the test scheme through the UI.

Checks that the ACK hooks and their alter hooks fire correctly as we go.


./access.test, line 1321
Tests for the access control kit module.


Tests the access control kit API.


public function testHandlerInterface() {

  // Create and log in an admin user.
  $admin_user = $this
    'administer access schemes',

  // Go to the "add access scheme" page and check that the boolean scheme type
  // label was successfully altered.
    ->assertNoText(t('Boolean'), 'hook_access_scheme_info_alter(): The boolean scheme type info was changed.');
    ->clickLink(t('Yes or no'));

  // Check that the settings callback fired.
    ->assertText(t('The scheme does not have grants.'), 'Scheme settings callback was called.');

  // Check that the access-controllable object types and handlers were
  // successfully registered and altered.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/access/' . $this->scheme->machine_name);
    ->assertText(t('Cat'), 'hook_access_info(): The object type was registered.');
    ->assertNoText(t('Kitten'), 'hook_access_info_alter(): The access-controllable object type info was changed.');
    ->assertFieldByName('handlers[cat][handler]', 'ACKTestMeowHandler', 'hook_access_handler_info(): The handler was registered.');
    ->assertText(t('Dog'), 'hook_access_info(): The object type was registered.');
    ->assertFieldByName('handlers[dog][handler]', 'ACKTestMeowHandler', 'hook_access_handler_info_alter(): The supported object types for the handler were changed.');
    ->assertText(t('No object access handlers are available to manage @object_type objects in a @scheme_type scheme.', array(
    '@object_type' => t('Bird'),
    '@scheme_type' => t('Yes or no'),
  )), 'The handler UI notifies the user when there are no available handlers.');

  // Attach the handler and confirm that the attachment was saved.
  $edit = array(
    'handlers[cat][handler]' => 'ACKTestMeowHandler',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save access scheme'));
    ->assertFieldChecked('edit-handlers-cat-handler--2', 'The handler was attached to the correct object type.');
    ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-handlers-dog-handler--2', 'The handler was not attached to the incorrect object type.');
    ->assertText(t('The meow handler assigns the boolean TRUE realm to cats and the boolean FALSE realm to everything else.'), 'The handler description was displayed.');
    ->assertText(t('Meow handler settings would go here.'), 'The handler settings method was called.');

  // Detach the handler and confirm that the attachment was deleted.
  $edit = array(
    'handlers[cat][handler]' => '',
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save access scheme'));
    ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-handlers-cat-handler--2', 'The handler was detached.');

  // Check that the scheme settings form changes when grants are present.
    ->createGrant($this->scheme, $this->ackRole);
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/access/' . $this->scheme->machine_name);
    ->assertText(t('The scheme has grants.'), 'Scheme form detects existing grants.');