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8 calls to access_grant_load_multiple() in Access Control Kit 7

AccessGrantFunctionTest::testGrantCRUD in ./access.test
Test basic create, read, update, and delete functions.
AccessGrantFunctionTest::testGrantRender in ./access.test
Test the access grant rendering functions.
AccessGrantFunctionTest::testGrantStaticReset in ./access.test
Ensure that the access grant static reset works correctly.
AccessGrantInterfaceTest::testGrantOverviewEmpty in ./access.test
Test the grant overview with no grants.
access_admin_grants in ./
Form constructor for the grant admin form.
access_grant_load in ./access.module
Loads an access grant by ID.
access_grant_load_by_condition in ./access.module
Loads all access grants that match a set of conditions.
access_grant_multiple_delete_confirm in ./
Form constructor for the access grant multiple delete confirmation form.