abjs.module in A/B Test JS 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Write test JavaScript.
abjs.moduleView source
* @file
* Write test JavaScript.
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
* Implements hook_help().
function abjs_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
// Main module help for the block module.
case 'help.page.abjs':
return '<h3>' . t('See the <a href="@documentation">Module Documentation</a> for a detailed description of the module and instructions.', [
'@documentation' => 'https://www.drupal.org/node/2716391',
]) . '</h3>';
* Implements hook_page_attachments().
function abjs_page_attachments(array &$page) {
if (\Drupal::service('router.admin_context')
->isAdminRoute()) {
// Get all active tests that have at least one experience.
$tests = Database::getConnection()
->query("SELECT DISTINCT t.tid FROM {abjs_test} AS t LEFT JOIN {abjs_test_condition} AS tc ON t.tid = tc.tid INNER JOIN {abjs_test_experience} AS te ON t.tid = te.tid WHERE t.active=1")
// At least one test with at least one condition and at least one experience.
// must be active for any script to be added to the page. Because of this,
// we don't need a similar check later for conditions and experiences
// individually.
if (empty($tests)) {
// The following section prints out javascript objects for the active tests,
// conditions, and experiences.
$abjs_script = abjs_generate_js($tests);
$page['#attached']['html_head'][] = [
'#tag' => 'script',
'#value' => Markup::create($abjs_script),
'#weight' => -100,
* Builds the javascript for all active and valid A/B tests.
* @param array $tests
* An array of database result objects from a query on abjs_test to get all
* active and valid tests.
* @return string
* A string of javascript for running all tests.
* - abTests will be an array of test objects. Each abTest object has these
* properties:
* -- name: The name of the test, equal to the test id. This will be used as
* the name of the cookie that gets assigned this test, prefixed by
* abjs_cookie_prefix from the variables table.
* -- conditions: An array of condition strings with the names of the
* condition functions to run. The condition strings are prefixed by con_,
* followed by the primary id from the test table and primary id from the
* condition table, which is used instead of the condition table so that we
* don't get duplicate function definitions with the same name.
* -- experiences: An array of experience objects. Each experience object has
* these properties:
* --- name: The name of the experience, equal to the experience id. This will
* be used as the value of the cookie that gets assigned for this test.
* --- fraction: The probability of this experience getting chosen. If all
* experience probabilities for a single test add to less than 1, the
* remainder is the probability that a user will not be in the test on
* each page hit. If probabilities add to greater than 1, experiences may
* have less than their stated probability of occurring.
* --- script: The name of the function for this experience. The name is
* prefixed by exp_, followed by the primary id from the test table and
* primary id from the experience table, which is used instead of the
* experience table so that we don't get duplicate function definitions
* with the same name.
* - abConditions will be an array of condition functions that apply to the
* active tests, named the same as abTest.conditions above, and using the
* condition script from the condition table.
* - abExperiences will be an array of experience functions that apply to the
* active tests, named the same as abTest.experiences above, and using the
* experience script from the experience table.
function abjs_generate_js(array $tests) {
if (empty($tests)) {
return '';
$tests_js = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tests); $i++) {
// Set name of this test to the tid.
$tests_js[$i] = [
'name' => "t_{$tests[$i]->tid}",
'conditions' => [],
'experiences' => [],
// Get all conditions associated with this test,and make functions for the
// scripts.
$conditions = Database::getConnection()
->query("SELECT tc.tid, tc.cid, c.script FROM {abjs_condition} AS c INNER JOIN {abjs_test_condition} AS tc ON c.cid = tc.cid WHERE tc.tid = :tid", [
':tid' => $tests[$i]->tid,
for ($j = 0; $j < count($conditions); $j++) {
$tests_js[$i]['conditions'][$j] = $conditions[$j]->script;
// Get all experiences associated with this test and their fractions, make
// a name for the value of the test cookie, and make functions for the
// scripts.
$experiences = Database::getConnection()
->query("SELECT te.tid, te.eid, e.script, te.fraction FROM {abjs_experience} AS e INNER JOIN {abjs_test_experience} AS te ON e.eid = te.eid WHERE te.tid = :tid", [
':tid' => $tests[$i]->tid,
for ($j = 0; $j < count($experiences); $j++) {
$tests_js[$i]['experiences'][$j] = [
'name' => "e_{$experiences[$j]->eid}",
'fraction' => $experiences[$j]->fraction,
'script' => $experiences[$j]->script,
// These are the only php variables referenced in the script below.
$cookie_prefix_var = \Drupal::config('abjs.settings')
$cookie_lifetime_var = \Drupal::config('abjs.settings')
$cookie_domain_var = \Drupal::config('abjs.settings')
$cookie_secure_var = \Drupal::config('abjs.settings')
$cookie_prefix = !empty($cookie_prefix_var) ? $cookie_prefix_var : 'abjs_';
$cookie_lifetime = !empty($cookie_lifetime_var) ? $cookie_lifetime_var : '30';
$cookie_lifetime = floatval($cookie_lifetime);
$cookie_domain = !empty($cookie_domain_var) ? '; domain=' . $cookie_domain_var : '';
$cookie_secure = !empty($cookie_secure_var) ? '; secure' : '';
$js_vars = [
'tests' => $tests_js,
'cookiePrefix' => $cookie_prefix,
'cookieDomain' => $cookie_domain,
'cookieLifetime' => $cookie_lifetime,
'cookieSecure' => $cookie_secure,
$json = json_encode($js_vars);
// abjs-common.js is the core functionality of the A/B testing javascript
// framework. Visitors that pass the assigned condition scripts for each test
// will be randomly placed and cookied into an experience for that test,
// based on assigned probabilities for each experience. Each experience has
// an associated script that is run for that experience, and all applicable
// experience scripts are executed for each visitor on every page load, in
// the order in which the tests are defined. The user will have one cookie
// for each active test.
$common_js = file_get_contents(drupal_get_path('module', 'abjs') . '/js/abjs-common.js');
$abjs_script = "'use strict'; (function() {var abjs = {$json};\n{$common_js}})();";
return $abjs_script;
Name | Description |
abjs_generate_js | Builds the javascript for all active and valid A/B tests. |
abjs_help | Implements hook_help(). |
abjs_page_attachments | Implements hook_page_attachments(). |